أخبار عاجلة
الرئيسية / آخر الأخبار / أسرة أهل محنض بابه ولد اعبيد تستضيف أسرة أهل متالي(صور)

أسرة أهل محنض بابه ولد اعبيد تستضيف أسرة أهل متالي(صور)

في إطار إحياء العلاقات التي تربط أسرة العلامة محنض بابه ولد اعبيد بالأسر العلمية الكبرى في البلاد، نظمت منسقية أهل محنض بابه بن اعبيد ليلة الأحد ..


دعوة على شرف عدد كبير من أعيان أبناء القطب الرباني لمرابط محمذن فال ولد متالي، وأبناء عمومتهم من أهل أحمد لأعمر، إضافة إلى بعض الأسر المرتبطة بهم ..


وذلك بمنزل رئيس المنسقية بومدين ولد ابات في انواكشوط، الذي افتتح اللقاء بالترحيب بالوفد الزائر إن أسرة أهل محنض بابه تتشرف بهذا الحضور الذي لا يفي الترحيب مهما بلغ بحقه، قبل أن يفسح المجال لقراءة قصيدة شعرية ترحيبية من إنتاج فضيلة القاضي محمدن ولد باركلل، ثم لترحيب مختصر من طرف الأستاذ محمد سالم بن محمدا.



وتلت ذلك كلمة منسقية أسرة أهل محنض بابه بن اعبيد الرسمية ألقاها الأستاذ محمدن ولد أحمد ولد بابه، وتركزت حول الأواصر التي كانت تربط بين الشيخ محنض بابه بن اعبيد والمرابط محمذن فال بن متالي، وأشبه التشابه بين الرجلين، ثم قطعة شعرية ترحيبية للحسن بن محنض، وقطعة من الأدب الحساني لباركلل ولد دداه. وكلمة ألقاها عضو المنسقية النقابي اباه افال.



بعد ذلك تناول عدد من أعضاء الوفد الزائر الكلام، وكانت كلمة فضيلة الشيخ الشمشاوي بن أحمدو بن باباه رئيس زاوية لمرابط محمذن فال ولد متالي هي أولى مداخلات الوفد وتركزت حول تثمينهم لهذا اللقاء وسعادتهم بحصوله، قبل أن تتوالى المداخلات التي وإن تنوعت فقد صبت كلها في التعريف بأوجه الارتباط الخاص الذي ميز علاقة الشيخ محنض بابه ولمرابط محمذن فال. وتحدث منهم على وجه الخصوص:



الشيخ الشمشاوي بن احمدو بن باباه

الأستاذ: محمدن “ابَّبه” بن احمدو بمب الذي ألقى كلمة الوفد الرسمية

الدكتور: حيمده بن انجبنان

الأستاذ: لمرابط بن امبير

الأستاذ محمذن فال بن حبيب

الاداري : بونن بن محمد البشير

الشيخ: احمدوات بن محمذن فال

المفتش: المختار بن السالك

المهندس الاديب : محمد بن الناجي الذي ألقى قطعة شعرية رائعة.

الاستاذ :لمرابط بن منداه


قصيدة فضيلة القاضي محمدن بن باركلل الترحيبية بأسرة أهل  لمرابط محمذن فال بن متالي:


“أهلا وسهلا بكم يا آل متالي

أبناء بدر الدجى محمذن فال

قد حزتم في المعالي كل مرتبة

فضلى تقاصر عنها كل مفضال

إنا نكن لكم ودا به عمرت

منا الضمائر في الماضي وفي الحال

ولن نزال ذوي رعي لعهدكم

فبالغدو سنرعاه والآصال

عهد قديم جديد لانظير له

وسوف يسري من أجيال لأجيال

شكرا جزيلا لكم عيد قدومكم

فبالنفيس سنفديه وبالغالي

ثم الصلاة على المختار ثم على

أصحابه الغر والأزواج والآل”.



كلمة منسقية أهل محنض بابه بن اعبيد:



“السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته؛

أحيانا تقف الحروف والكلمات عاجزة عن أداء واجب الترحيب والاحتفاء لدرجة تجعل الصمت أبلغ في التعبير عن السعادة بلقاء كهذا اللقاء يجمع الرجل بأخيه ويصله بأهل ود أبيه….

ورغم أن ترحيبنا بإخوتنا وأحبتنا “أهل متالي” لا تفى به العبارات، ولا يستقصيه كلام منثور ولا منظوم، فإننا لابد أن نقول:


أبناء متالي في هذا المقام هنا

أهلا حللتم وسهلا يا أحبتنا

أنتم بنو قطب هذي الأرض حضرتُكم

أهل المواهب والعرفان واللدني

وهذه اللحظة الغرا من الزمن

نزلتمُ يا عماد الحق والسنن

أهل لكل ثناء رائق حسن

من العلوم وطب الروح والبدن



لاشك أن حضور أسرة أهل متالي معنا اليوم واستقبالنا لحفدة “لمرابط محمذن فال” يعبر أصدق تعبير عن قوة وتماسك في نسيج العلاقة التاريخية والدور المشترك في نشر العلم وحفظ الدين في هذه الربوع من بلاد الإسلام…



وأملنا كبير في أن يكون هذا اللقاء إضافة نوعية إلى العطاء العلمي، والعمل البناء الذي أسسه السلف الصالح، وأرسى دعائمه أجدادنا تغمدهم الله جميعا برحمته، وبارك فينا وفيكم وهيأ لنا من أمرنا رشدا إنه سميع مجيب.



بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

قبل ما يربو على قرنين من الزمن بنيف وثلاثين سنة أنجبت المرأة الصالحة المنحدرة من بيت رفيع العماد كثير الرماد “جليت” بنت محمدن ابن حبيب ابن أحمد بن يحيى غلاما زكيا رزقه الله موهبة فذة ومحبة في قلوب الناس، وآتاه من لدنه علما فذاع صيته، وانتشر ذكره في الآفاق حتى جاوز حدود صحراء الملثمين، وقلعة الرباط التي منها انبثق نوره وتميزت فيها حضرته وحضوره، وانتفع بعلمه وطبه وفهمه خلق كثير، أظهر الحق وفتح الباب وكشف النقاب عن حقوق الخالق والخلق، ومهد السبيل إلى “سعادة المحيا والممات” بما فيه “صلاح الأولى والآخرة”، وهب هبوب المسك نسيم فضائله وأريج “شمائله”، وفاح شذاه ليستمد القطر كله منه غذاه…

وظل أثر قلمه المجلي في التصنيف والإفتاء والسجال “قرة عين النسوان” وقرة عين الرجال على مر العصور ومختلف الأجيال…

إنه لمرابط محمذن فال بن المختار الملقب “متالي” بن محمذن بن أحمد بن أعمر الممتد نسبه إلى الشريف محمد ابي بزول بن ابراهيم بن شمس الدين القلقمي، قطب قطره في الشاذلية وغزاليه العيلم، والطود الشامخ، ذو القدم الراسخة في العلوم، صاحب المقام العالي والمجد المنيف الغني عن التعريف، ابتهج بمولده الإقليم، وكان عليه مدار الانصاف والتحكيم.

وقبل مولد هذا القطب الرباني بحوالي عقدين من الزمن تقريبا أنجبت امرأة صالحة أخرى ــ وفي مكان غير بعيد ــ هي “تانيت” بنت المختار ولد الطالب أجود ابنها /محنض بابه بن المختار الملقب “اعبيد”، وظهرت عليه في الصغر علامات الذكاء والنبوغ، واستطاع بفهمه الثاقب وجده ومثابرته أن يجمع بين التدريس والتأليف والقضاء والفتوى، وعمارة الارض، ونهل من معينه طلبة كثر حتى جمعت مدرسته التي دامت سبعين سنة بين الرجل وابنه وحفيده…

شاءت الأقدار أن تكون هنالك قواسم مشتركة بين هاتين المرأتين الصالحتين (جليت، وتانيت) في السلوك والتربية والحرص على صلاح الولد واستقامته، وقدر الله لولد كل واحدة منهما أن يفقد أباه وهو صغير، ولا يعوض حنان الأبوة إلا قوة إرادة الأمهات من أمثال “جليت” و “تانيت”، فقد ظلتا وراء ابنيهما إعدادا وإمدادا حتى بلغا أشدهما واستخرجا كنزهما، ووراء كل عظيم امرأة…

تمر الأيام سريعا، ويتبوأ كل من الرجلين مقعده المناسب في قومه ويأخذ مكانته العلمية والاجتماعية لينسج التاريخ والبحث عن الحقيقة في أرقى صوره والمنهج العلمي القائم على العدل والأمانة والإنصاف، والسعي في مصالح المسلمين علاقة قوية بين الاثنين ذات بعد رباني صرف…



إنها العلاقة التي أردا لها معا أن تكون كلمة باقية في عقبيهما إلى يومنا هذا “ولله الحمد” رحم الله السلف وبارك في الخلف.

قد لا تكون بداية الاتصال بين الرجلين معروفة بشكل دقيق في المحفوظ من تاريخهما، إلا أن المصادر حفظت لنا مواقف ومراسلات ومساجلات في نوازل جمعتهما، تنم عن ثقة وإعجاب متبادلين وتعاون تام في إحقاق الحق والرجوع إليه مهما كلف الثمن…

ومن أهم تلك المواقف أن الأمير العادل محمد الحبيب ولد اعمر ولد المختار ولد الشرقي عرض على لمرابط محمذن فال أن يتولى القضاء حين أجمع معاصروه من العلماء الأجلاء على أهليته لذلك، فـأعرض لمرابط عن ذلك، وطلب منه أن يولي محنض بابه فرفض الأخير لكن لمرابط ولد متالي أصر على تقديم أهل الحل والعقد لمحنض بابه، وبعث إلي محنض بابه مذكرا إياه برؤيا منامية رآها في صغره، وقصها على والدته، فاستكتمته إياها ولم يقصها بعد ذلك، وفيها أن الإمام عليا بن ابي طالب كرم الله وجهه أهداه عمامته، وفسر لمرابط بن متالي لمحنض بابه دلالة ذلك بأنها عمامة القضاء، وبتلك الاشارة المتالية قبل محنض بابه أن يتولى القضاء على عهد الأمير العادل محمد الحبيب.



ثم إنه من المتواتر أن الإمام محنض بابه كان يأخذ رأي خليله لمرابط ولد متالي في كثير من النوازل والقضايا الملمة، وحسبه أن يوافقه في الرأي.


يقول محنض بابه:


الحمد لله رب العالم العالي

فمن يوافقه مثل ابن متالي

والمعضلات إذا أتتك فأغد بها

حلال معضلها وضاح مشكلها

على موافقة الحبر ابن متالي

فلا يبالي بمن في الخلف من تال

إلى ابن بجدتها محمذن فال

جالي غياهبها فتاح أقفال



وبالمقابل نجد لمرابط ولد متالي يعبر عن إعجابه بالإمام محنض بابه، ويثنى على مصنفاته وتمسكه بالحق، ووقوفه إلى جانبه دائما لا يخشى في الله لومة لائم، حتى سماه “المحق” وقال بعد وفاة محنض بابه، إن ذلك هو لقبه بين أهل البرزخ…

يقول لمرابط محمذن فال من قصيدة له في تقريظ شرح محنض بابه المعروف بـ”الميسر” الذي وضعه على مختصر ابن إسحاق:


ليبلغ كل منطلق عجول

إلى اقطار كل العصر عني

حمدت الله ربي أن هداني

وقلدني جواهر خير حبر

لئالئ بحر نادرة اللئالي

ثقيب الفهم قطب رحا المعاني

وباب خزائن المعقول طرا

ومن لم يأت باب البيت يحرم

دؤوب بالغداة وبالأصيل

مغلغلة بذي صدع قؤول

لدين الحق منهاج الرسول

حذامي القول عائشتي النقول

وهاديها المدير إلى السبيل

فرات القطر شافية الغليل

ومفتاح الكنوز من الأصول

من الغرض المؤمل بالدخول


ويدعو له قائلا:


أدام الله ذلك وارتعاه

وأيده إله العرش كهفا

على عليا صراط مستقيم

وبارك فيه في عمر طويل

سراج الدين قنعان السؤول

هداية كل تياه ضلول



ومن ثناء لمرابط ولد متالي على الإمام محنض بابه القصيدة النونية المشهورة، وقد ظنها كثير من الرواة والباحثين رثاء بحكم مقدمتها لكنها ثناء على محنض بابه في حياته كما أخبرني والدي / أحمد و سنده في ذلك فضيلة الشيخ اڮليڮم ولد محمدو ولد حبيب رحم الله الجميع، ويشهد لذلك البيت الخامس من القصيدة وما بعده، وأولها:



أمست معالم هذا الدين كالدمن

يهماء مطموسة غفلا شعائرها

قد سيمت الخسف حتى سامها سفها

وآذن الحال أن العلم منقبض

والحمد لله إذ أبقى لنا علما

تبارك الله ما بالدار من كرم

قفرا على حين إدبار من الزمن

تثير للصب أدهى البث والشجن

ظلما وهضما أخو الإفلاس والإحن

والله لا يخلف الميعاد واحزني

بباب دار من التحقيق في أمن

ومن نفيس رفيع القدر والثمن


إلى أن يقول فيها:


فالله يبقيه ما كان البقاء له

مفتاح أغلاق أبواب الذي سطرت

ندب يشمر عن ساق إذا قصرت

من يحرم الأخذ من مكنون لؤلؤه

يرسي قواعد فقه أوضحت سننا

ولا يحيد لما يدعو له عوجا

ولا ينبأ عن تبيانه خبر

إن لم تر الشمس ظهرا مقلة قذيت

خيرا وكب به الغاوين للذقن

أيدي جهابذة النقاد والفطن

عن العلى همم الأغمار والعتن

لمفلس بين الخسران والغبن

قد بينت محكم المكي والمدني

إلا عنيد أصم القلب والأذن

إلا تلقاه ذو الإنصاف بالأذن

فالشمس تظهر والخفاش ذو وهن



رجع محنض بابه إلى رأي لمرابط ولد متالي في عدة نوازل ومساجلات علمية دارت بينهما وذلك حين ظهر له أن الصواب ما يراه لمربط محمذن فال، فلم يكن التعصب أبدا والاعتزاز بالرأي ـ معاذ الله ـ من سمات الرجلين، وكما قال محنض بابه نفسه:


ليس من أخطأ الصواب بمخط

حسنات الرجوع تذهب عنه

إنما المخطـئ المسي من إذا ما

إن يؤب لا ولا عليه ملامه

سيئات الخطا وتنفي الملامه

وضح الحق لج يحمي كلامه



ولما قضى محنض بابه نحبه سنة 1277هــ أثرت وفاته ببالغ الحزن والأسى في نفس خليله لمرابط محمذن فال الذي عاش بعده حوالي عشر سين، فرثاه مرات، ورحل لزيارة ضريحه في “آمنيكير” يقول في رثائه ورثاء أمير اترارزه العادل محمد الحبيب حيث توفيا في شهر صفر من السنة نفسها:


فلله شهر عب بدءا ومختما

“محك نضار” الصيرفي و “بابه”

فأول ارباع من الثاني طرحه

وللثالث اضمم رابعا مبدلا له

فلله كم من زائف عز ميزه

عباب المشاكي والثقاف لمعتل

وروض العواصي للحبيب المؤمل

به يتجلى عمر “بض” مبجل

بثاني حروف المعجم الرمز ينجلي

ومن مشكل بعد الرضا لم يحلل



ويقول أيضا في رثاء محنض بابه من قصيدة كاملية مشهورة:


الكون هد بعرشه المصعد

والعلم أجمع عطلت أسطاره

وتضعضعت سقف القواعد وقعا

وبيان كل عويصة بأصولها

فتعطلت سبل الدراية وارتمت

من سد باب كان سدا حاجزا

بؤسى لإقليم تهدم قطبه

وحضيضه والشامخات الركد

وطروسه من مطلق ومقيد

وانقض إيتاء الهداة الرشد

وفروعها بالمنطق المتمهد

بالحق امواج الضلال المزبد

روغان حافة كل باغ معتد

ومثار ما يجلو عمى المسترشد


وهي قصيدة طويلة قيل إنه بلغ فيها مبلغا من التأثر حتى أسقط السماء على الأرض، ومن جميل ما قال في رثائه أيضا:


الحق مات وهلكه أشجى

وشجى ذهاب ذويه ليس له

غصص تجرعها المحق على

والصبر إن لم تلف منفعة

من كل من بهلاكه يشجى

دفع ولا من وقعه منجى

قسر وليس زوالها يرجى

من غيره لذوي الحجا أحجى


وعموما فإن الحديث عن علاقة لمرابط محمذن فال ومحنض بابه، وصفحات التاريخ المشترك بينهما، حديث يطول ويحتاج منا إلى لقاءات أطول وندوات أكبر، إلا أن ثمة أمورا يتقاطع فيها الرجلان، رأيت من المناسب أن أشير لبعضها في هذا المقام:


1. أن كليهما فقد والده قبل ربيعه الرابع.

2. أن لأم كل واحد منهما دورا كبيرا في تربيته بمساعدة الأخوال، وكلاهما تفرس فيه اخواله الصلاح ولاحظوا عليه علامات النبوغ.

3. يشترك والداهما في لقب المختار، “فاعبيد” اسمه المختار، و”متالي” اسمه المختار.

4. تميزا بالذكاء المفرط وحدة الفهم وقوة الحفظ حتى قيل : “علم ابن متالي لدني” أي انه هبة من الله سبحانه وتعالى ، وقيل كذلك : “قراءة محنض بابه لا اب لها”، ولا يتعارض ذلك مع استفادتهما من الشيوخ والأخذ عنهم في البداية.

5. كلاهما جلس للتدريس والفتوى في سن مبكرة، ويكاد يجمع الثقات على أن لمرابط ولد متالي فتح الله عليه وألهمه العلم في ربيعه الثاني عشر.

6. كتب سيرة كل واحد منهما أحد تلامذته الأقربين، فقد كتب عن لمرابط محمذن فال تلميذه وابن أخيه / حيمده ولد انجبنان، (الجنان العالية في السيرة المتالية)، في حين كتب عن الإمام محنض بابه تلميذه وابن خالته / ميلود بن المختار خي (عيون الاصابة في مناقب محنض بابه).


رحم الله الأخوين المتحابين في الله الخليلين لمرابط محمذن فال، والإمام محنض بابه، وبارك في ذريتهما وجمعنا معهم في عليين إلى جوار النبيئين والصديقين والشهداء، وصلى وسلم على سيدنا محمد سيد المرسلين وإمام الغر المحجلين، وعلى آله وصحابته البررة والتابعين لهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.


بقلم/محمدن ولد أحمد ولد باب ولد محمودا ولد محنض بابه”.


قصيدة الحسن بن محنض:


“اهلا وسهلا بابناء ابن متال

قطب الزمان المنيب القانت التالي

اهلا بهم وبني اعمامهم حضروا

فشرفونا باسياد واقيال

يا مرحبا بهم جاءوا لدعوتنا

مجيئهم ذا لعمري عندنا غال

هم الكرام الالى فينا قد اشتهروا

بالمكرمات وبذل الجاه والمال

والعلم والفضل ما داناهم احد

من الخلائق في علم وافضال

حباهم الله فامتازوا بمنزلة

في الناس هي المكان الارفع العالي

ما خاب قاصدهم ما آب زائرهم

الا بخير من الافعال والقال

سيان من زارهم قصد النوال ومن

قد زارهم لصلاح القلب والحال

صنائع البر والمعروف تغمره

سيان اولهم في ذاك والتالي

من قال في جدهم جدي يحدثهم

عن بعض اهماله في فعله الخالي:

((خمسون عاما وما زرت ابن متالي

الذنب ذنبي والإهمال إهمالي

فللعذول إذا ما لج في عذلي

عذر ولا عذر لي في عذل عذالي

لو زرته حسنت حالي بزورته

واليوم جئت إليه أشتكي حالي

أدره ببنيه من أودهمُ

وكان من كلمي فيهم وأقوالي

يا صاحبيّ بتقوى الله متا لي

فهي المقدم والقربى هي التالي

ما أنتمُ يا بني الأعمام دون تقى

بأوليائي ويا أبناء أخوالي

إن أوليائيَ إلا المتقون إذًا

فأوليائيَ حقا آل متالي

قد قال في جدهم جدي يحدث عن

ذاك الولي التقي محمذن فال

“الحمد لله ربي العالم العالي

على موافقة الحبر ابن متالي

ومن يوافقه نجل ابن متال

فلا يبالي بمن خالف من تال

والمعضلات اذا اتتك فاغد بها

الى ابن بجدتها محمذ فال

حلال معضلها وضاح مشكلها

جالي غياهبها فتاح اقفال”))

وان لي اسوة في فعله ولكم

في جدكم اسوة في كل افعال

صلى على المصطفى المختار من مضر

رب الانام مع الاصحاب والآل”.


قطعة باركلل ولد دداه:


“كون زايرين بالكل اهل

متالي للي هون يشكل

مان جاحدينها حگ بالكل

ؤلان جاحدين زاد يلالي

عن زايرين لمرابط ول

متالي بهل متالي”.



كلمة الأستاذ محمدن ولد أحمدو بمب ولد متالي باسم الوفد الزائر:

“بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

صل اللهم على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما

الحمد لله الذي من بحسن اللقاء، وبحسن حال السلف، وبحسن حال الخلف، الحمد لله الذي جعل بين أبوينا مودة باقية في نسلهما، مبنية على أساس متين من الحب في الله المبني على حسن السيرة، وطيب السريرة، من كل منا ومنكم، الحمد لله الذي أمر بحفظ عهد الآباء بمودة من كانوا يحبونه ويحبهم.

أيها السادة الأجلاء الأعزاء الأحباء الذين سبقوا إلى هذا الخير العظيم ففاتوا بالسبق من يحب أن لا يسبقه من أهل الخير أحد.

إنا لنفخر بكم ونتيمن بحبكم لنا، إنا لنعلم أن الله يستحيي أن ينزع البركة من موضع جعلها فيه، فنحن نستمطر من لقياكم من بركة ذلك العالم الرباني المجتهد المطلق،الذي كان بينه وبين جدنا العالم الرباني ذي الفتح اللدني المجتهد المطلق محمذفال الملقب لمرابط بن المختار الملقب متالي أسمى وأفضل وجوه التواصل والمحبة حين كانا طودين عظيمين يأوي إليهما الخائف فيأمن، ويستظل بظلهما المحرور فينعم، ويستدفئ في حضنهما المقرور فتقر عينه، وكانا ردءا للإسلام ما كانا حيين، فلما توفيا كنتم خلَف ذلك الطود، وكنا خلَف ذلك الطود، فنحن وإياكم نحمل ثقلا عظيما؛ لأنا أبناء لمرابط، ولأنكم أبناء محنض بابا، ومن كان ابن محنض بابا فإن الحمل الذي حُـملَ بسبب هذه النعمة العظيمة لعظيم، ومثل ذلك من كان ابن لمرابط بن متالي، فهما حملان عظيمان، نسأل الله الذي نحن عباده الضعفاء الخاضعون لجبروته وكبريائه وعزته الراجون رحمته وعفوه وغفرانه أن يعيننا وإياكم على تحمل هذه الأمانة وعلى تأديتها كما يحب الله أن تؤدى وتتحمل.



أما ما كان بين هذين الرجلين العظيمين من علاقات فهو وإن كان معلوما فإنيذاكر منه ما لابد من ذكره فقائل كان جدنا رحمه الله تعلى شاذليا، وكان جدكم رحمه الله تعلى تيجانيا، ومعلوم ما يكون بين أصحاب الطرق من التنافر، وهما كانا مع ما ذكرنا أشد ارتباطا وأشد تحابا مما يكون بين من يجمعهما في السلوك طريق واحد، وذلك؛ لما يعلمه كل واحد منهما من أخيه من حسن النية والعمل، ومن صحة المعتقد والطريق، ومن تمام المعرفة والعلم بشرائع الله تعلى المنزلة على أفضل رسله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فعلى هذا الأساس من حسن التعارف الواقع بنَيَا ما كان بينهما من محبة ظهرت في كل حال من أحوالهما، كانا إذا اتفقا ظهر ما بينهما من المحبة، وإذا اختلفا ظهر ما بينهما من المحبة.

وقعت واقعة حكم فيها القاضي العظيم بالقصاص، ورأى فيها لمرابط غير ذلك، أما محنض بابا فبنى حكمه على أنه ليس في المذهب المالكي إلا عمد القتل أو خطؤه فحكم بالقصاص، وأما محمذفال فرأى أن الذي يعدل عن الآلة القاتلة إلى الآلة المؤلمة لا يريد القتل، ومن لم يرد القتل فوقع القتل كان ذلك منه خطأ؛ لأنه لا معنى للعمد إلا إرادة القتل. فجرى بينهما فيها مكاتبات فلم يزل يبين له رأيه حتى استساغه ورجع فقال:


ليس من أخطأ الصـواب بمخط

إن يؤب لا ولا علــيه ملامه

إنما المخطئ المسي من إذا مــا

وضح الحق لج يحمي كلامه


فما سعيتم فيه اليوم إلا إحدى بشارات الفلاح بالسير على خطاهما، والقيام بأعباء حمل حملهما إن شاء الله تعلى، ونحن بذلك مستبشرون، ولا أحب أن أختم قبل أن أشير إلى أن محنض بابا لما ألف الميسر الشرح الذي وضع على المختصر فكان من خير الشروح، كان ممن قرظه جدنا وكان تقريظه له أحب التقاريظ إلى محنض بابا،وقد قرظه بقصيدة تناهز العشرين منها:


حمـدت الله ربـي إذ هــدانـي

لدين الحق منهاج الرسول

وقلدني جواهر علم حب

حذامي القول عائشتى النقول

ومن لم يأت باب الشيخ يحرمْ

من الغرض المؤمل بالدخـول


ووصفه بأنه هو والشيخ خليل مجتهدا ترجيح، ولما توفي رثاه بقصيدتين قال في إحداهما:


الحق مات وهُلكُه أشجى

من كل من بذهــابه يُشجى

وشجا ذهاب ذويه ليس له

ملجا ولا من وقعــه منجى

غصص تجرعها المحق على

قسر وليس زوالـها يرجى

والصبر إن لم ترج منفعة

من غيره بذوي الحجا أحجى


وقال في الأخرى:


الكون هد بركـنه المصعــد

وحضيضه والشامخات الركــد

والعلم أجمع عطلت أسطاره

وطروسه من مطلق ومقـيد

وتضعضعت سقف القواعد وقعا

وانقض إيتاد الهداة الرشد

وبيان كل عويصة بأصولــهـا

وفروعــها بالمنطق المتهــد


إلى أن قال:


لم يبق إلا الصبرَ رومَ فضيلة

فقدُ الفتى الأرضى الكريم المشهد

والله يرحمه ويكرم نزله

روحا وريحانا فسيح الملحد

وأعاد من بركاته وعلومه

فضـلا علينا بالنبي محمد

وعلى أهاليه وأهل وداده

صلى عليه الله طول السرمد

وعلى صحــابته وسـائر آله

قادات من يقفو بأوثق مقود


وأرخ لموته هو والأمير العادل محمد لحبيب فقال:


فلله شهر عب بدءا ومختما

عباب المشاكي والثقاف لمعتل

محك نضار الصيرفي وبابه

وروض العواصي للحبيب المؤمل

ولله ما من زائف عز ميزه

ومن مشكل بعد الرضى لم يحلل

وللثالث اضمم رابعا مبدلا له

بثاني حروف المعجم الرمز ينجلي


ولا أحب أن أطيل فالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته وثناؤه الحسن.


•        محمدن بن أحمدو بمب بن محمدو بن أحمدو بن لمرابط بن متالي رحمهم الله تعالى آمين”.


قصيدة الأستاذ الأديب محمد ولد الناجي (من الوفد الزائر):


“أتينا اليوم أرضكم لنرضى &&

وحاجات بأنفسنا لتقـضــى

أتيناكم نود إذا أتـينـــــــــا &&

بأن تقضى حوائجنا ونرضى

أتيناكم نجدد عهد صـدق &&

نرى تجديده قد صار فرضـا

وفرض العين حتى بعد حين &&

وجوبا مطلقا أن سوف يقضى

لأنا نقتفي في الود ودا &&

تليدا مرضيا طولا وعـــــــرضا

بناه لنا أكابرنا بفخــــــر &&

ورامـوا بالنواجـذ فيه عــضا

وشادوا في المحافل بالتهاني &&

يحيي بعضهم في الله بعضا

فكان لنا بذلك في البرايا &&

رباط نابض بالود نبضـــــا

فيأمرنا بوصل وإقتـــــراب &&

ليبقى غصن ذاك الود غضا

كلا الشيخين بالمعنى دعانا &&

وأوصانا به خيرا وحضـا

فقاضي الحق كان لنا إمامـا &&

فيقضي بالذي يقضي فيمضى

وشيخ العلم لو يرمي لأمر &&

فلا نرضى لذاك الأمر نقـضـا

نجدده بإمضاء وختـــــــــم &&

فذا ختم عليه وذاك إمضــــا”.


لائحة الوفد الزائر:


عينيه ولد محمذن فال

المصطفى ولد حبيب

المختار ولد السالك

الشمشاوي بن احمدو بن باباه

محمذن فال ولد حبيب

لمرابط ولد أمبير

أبوه ولد باباه

حميده ولد انجبنان

المصطفى ولدحمدو

محمد ولد أحمد محفوظ

محمدو ولد الشمشاوي

محمدن “ابَّبه” بن احمدو بمب

الحسن ولد اباه

لمرابط ولد اكليكم

محمد ولد الناجي

عبد الرحمن ولد الأمانة

يحي ولد أحمدو ولد بدو

أحمد ولد محمد

المصطفى الحسن ولد اباكو

الداه ولد ابنين

الداه بن محمدن ولد الغلاوي

المصطفى ولد المختار

إسماعيل ولد آفيشيل

الحسن ولد الطَيب

محمدن ولد أحمد ولد ببا

متالي ولد حبيب

بلا ولد البشير

لمرابط ولد اباني

عبدالله ولد باباه

اكليكم ولد عبد الرحمن

محمذن فال ولد محمد ولد حبيب

عبد الرحمن ولد محمدن الزايد

بونن ولد الدو ولد محمد البشير

عبد الله ولد حيمدّ ولد باباه

باباه ولد أحمد بـيـبي

أحمدوات ولد محمذن فال ولد محمدو

عبد الرحمن ولد الشيخ

باباه ولد حيمده ولد باباه

أحمد ولد باباه

دودو ولد عبد الرحمن

متالي بن احمدو

احمدو ولد أبـيـد ولد حبيب

محمد ولد عبد الرحمن ولد حبيب

الداه ولد محمدن ولد باباه

المصطفى ولد السيد

حبيب ولد دودو

عدود ولد محمد

لمرابط ولد باباه

لمرابط ولد منداه”.


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    Really disappointed, especially after Rosa in B99…|He’s nothing but trouble for me. I am sick of this. I fall asleep especially in the South but realize it is literally a billion dollar industry. govt, celebrities, and higher power of all different walks of life have their hands in it.|I liked a @YouTube video Amir Khan Believes the Sex Tape Leak Was an Act of Revenge | This Morning|I love how a lot of the transphobia/homophobia/even fat phobia put out by trashy straight Bros generally boils down to ” if someone tries to trick me into having sex with them” when so often it’s them trying to coerce people.|I love how scam “fre>>se>â€g>site> always, ALWAYS only offer females.

    I’g>ga> with VERY minor female attention, so much so I already have a boyfriend, so start thinking of people like me. Maybe I’ll be interested.

    (I won’p>|I love women and having sex with them it feels so good and its the most alpha thing a man can do, with a woman, i love anal too|i needa relationship like fat people and having sex with the lights off tbh|I never heard beyond the opening saxophone. Yesterday it started playing & I told my friend “dei this is the lift music in my apartment building”& “isn’t this the>son> romance movies play before>se> scenes” n my friend was like “…it’s George Michael’s careless whispers….???”|I really love having sex, can you help me? hotpic teen|I really love having sex, can you help me? sexyvidio NSFW Xnxx Teen|I said I’d have sex with Detective Pikachu, and I stand by it.|I swear to God tumblr users only have sex in missionary.|I think a married dude creating a tumblr sexparty where he gets 18 year olds to send him nudes is creepy and bad regardless of whether or not he committed any actual crimes.|I think anal sex is the factor here. Gay guys are followed by heterosexual women, then heterosexual men, and I’m sure lesbians have relatively low rates. Lez and straight whites aren’t even on here. Stop having anal sex people. Nasty.|I think anatomical names should reflect your POV character & genre. If my MC wouldn’t call his penis a rod/shaft/member (without laughing), I sure as hell don’t. If my female MC would use a euphemism for vagina…. I question if she’s old enough for sex & write something else.|I think its a type humiliation fetish where the person enjoys being degraded and used as a sex object?
    I could be wrong tho|I think maybe it’s Sandinista! “The Leader” that does it for him!

    He wore a leather mask for his dinner guests
    Totally nude and with deep respect
    Proposed a toast to the votes he gets
    The feeling of power and the thought of sex

    Somehow it’s very him! lol|I took this off author friend @EmilJerseyAF. I thought it was funny. He gets a 4-star review & likes her compliments. “…glorifying their acts of violence, sex & gore revealing the carnage of their race…” etc.

    I love it. The end. Excellent|I want to be your sugar daddy. i don’t want sex or nudes. Thanks. First 150 people who reply, Like and retweet get $500|I was so impressed with the Candi/Dworkin exchange on The Deuce this week. The show gives more nuanced attention to female POV of sex work than almost anything I’ve seen. Lose one more Franco and it’s damn near feminist.|I was told that the idea of pain because he’s “hitting” the>cervi> could actually be just muscle spasms from not being completely aroused. The>cervi> pulls out of the way during>se>, but it needs a lot of arousal over time, which is not usually the case with quickies>|I watched a lot of anime in my teenage years and on into my 20s. It’s a style of animation, and some stories are better or worse than others. I’d say that anime is about as great as any genre of live films, tv shows, various music genres, sex toys, vehicle makes and models, etc.|i will now be conducting an ethma anthem lyrics chain to sex by eden|I wish I had a sub that I could be a dominatrix to but like, absolutely no sex because I’m disgusted at the idea of that and just make them let me use their credit card or whatever as much as I want|I worked with a Woman whose Son was dating a gal, who was having sex with someone on the side. She ended up getting pregnant with Twins. One baby belonged to one Man and the other Twin to the other. Turns out she had sex with both Men hours apart, and each fertilized an egg.|I’m A Celebrity’s fake set exposed – and secret cave where stars can have sex …|I’m A Celebrity’s fake set exposed – and secret cave where stars can have …|I’m like, there are fewer and fewer platforms that allow sex workers to be sex workers (in this case porn/erotic art) and that’s not great, but this is so meh compared to Tumblr doing it that I can’t be bothered to care that much.|I’m not an escort anymore lol. I stopped doing that at the beginning of last year and only do it if I really really need the quick cash. I basically refuse all my old clients now. How dare he come at me like this.

    I still work as a hostess and drink and party but no sex|I’m SICK of this S*IT!! Problem is these 2 idiots were in school under Bush/obumer socialist era so they R clueless what a legit education would have been like! That’s why ALL current history/gov. text + STORIES+SEX EDUCATION w/very young kids NEEDS 2 B REMOVED & BURNED!|i’m, a dirty b itch Amateur Anal Arab Asian BBW BDSM Beach Big Boobs Big Butts Big Cock Bisexuals Black Ebony Blowjobs Castings Celebrities CreamPie Cuckold Cumshots Femdom Flashing Gangbang Group Sex Videos Handjobs|I’ve been trying to figure out what’s bugging me about this book, and it finally hit me. The female MC is written as pure male sexual fantasy. She has no POV beyond what is narrated to the MMC, and it’s just sex and seduction. She has no real interior life or other purpose.|i’ve honestly never heard of her before so all i can tell you is there’s chapo trap house and a pcp sex party and somehow they make it sound incredibly unfun|i’ve never had a kinky sex dream about a celebrity, but i did dream once about John Mulaney playing chess with Nick Kroll and trying to castle after moving his king|i- he doesnt know what a yeast infection is… he didnt know what a cervix was either, I’m about to give this man some sex ed|If I were a celebrity, I’d be one of those against the grain types who sponsors as much crap as possible without giving a who. “If the cheque’s in the bank, go ahead and slap my name on your miracle cream or sex toys or reusable coffee pods. Reach me at the in-pool cocktail bar!”|If indeed SLS made this statement, it’s uncalled for and reckless.
    No crime is justifiable.
    It’s like blaming rape on indecent dressing.
    Blaming “sex for grades” on dull students.
    Blaming armed robbery on lack of perimeter fence.
    Blaming stealing on hunger.
    Was DAM hungry?|If the latest series of Peaky Blinders was released in 2008, Oswald Mosley would have become a sex symbol on Tumblr. There would be slash fiction featuring Sherlock and Oswald Mosley having sex. Erotic anime inspired drawings of Oswald Mosley.|If what happens between consenting adults has a negative effect on others, or society in general, I’m against it. Examples: the fastest growing HIV positive group are Black women because of Black men having anal sex in prison. Prostitution promotes disease & Human Trafficking.|Imagine actually being obsessed with celebrities epic fail|Imagine two conjoined twins having sex|Imagine watching two fat people having sex. Two fupas slapping each other’s|In 0 of these situations did anyone suggest a doctor, lawyer, police, financial aid. Sometimes it is rough sex, & ppl get injuries when it’s too rough during consensual situations. Sometimes it’s humiliation. Being suddenly pinned down wit bruises on my neck the next day is rape.|In A Relationship: You … >webcomi> >comi> >relationshi> >se> >datin> >webcomic> >comic> >comicstri> >relationship> on>Reddi>|In boxing, weight is a nigh-on unbeatable advantage – so we separate boxers by weight – but ALSO by sex. In Gymnastics, being very young is an advantage, so Gym. has a hard age limit – but it ALSO has a sex classification.

    Where it is relevant, eg sex, classifications exist.|In honor of my namesake here are some good books to check out

    Sex and Culture by Unwin

    Quick Review: great book, very dense but worth it at the end. BasicAlly posits that sexual restraint is connected to societal achievement|in other news listen to Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex|In regard to all of this, I always find myself greatly amused at the 80/20 nature of female selection on dating apps. It’s always described as polygamy, and it is from the male POV. But, the women, are just having sex 5-6 “best” men they can match with. No one talks about that.|Inside sex bot factory churning out ‘hyper-realistic’ dolls AI Robotics …|Ironically I was just telling the girls of smuthutt how I feel so glad that my fave erotic blog is back up on a new site since tumblr banned it bc unlike male run websites its lead by a female sex therapist which places like pornhub desperately need BTS.|Is ’cervi> boops’ canadanese fog>sex|it b locals on camp 24/7 you never know what a mf ready to do, they could have some to do with the sex trafficking.. asu ALWAYS wanna pull in the grass if somebody smoking in the room, or if the gas got the building smelling. get all in they face, protect us or some damn|It burns me when women who represent different strata of society act the same way when it comes to flimsy constructs like marriage and the opposite sex. Allowing self to burn to crisp pity and humiliation. Very eww.|It is my sincerest hope that the new 2019 documentary “Ask
    Dr. Ruth” generates a large quantity of brand-new .GIFs I can use in the future. No animated images of a tiny German woman yelling about sex ready to go when searched right now is very disappointing, internet .GIF-makers!|it seems pretty easy to google anyone in there, but also being mad at the people who were there for how they were reported does come off as being against queer sex workers celebrating the launch of a poetry book|It still amazes me that many women with big asses that use for sexual tease, don’t like anal sex!

    Then what’s the whole f***ing point of having a big ass if you’re not gonna use it?!|It was about Sex. Trump also lied about hiring hookers|It would be us- living as feminine males who slept with men out whilst more conforming gays would have been in the closet. The very recent trend is different- of young people denying their sex. That is politically driven|It’s the current tech scare story. Last year it was AI. Before that, robot sex dolls. Man, the last one is a pretty decent search on the Guardian website (but not from a work computer)|Its not fine. Women shoudnt be having anal and oral sex. Those are pleasures from the devil. God created sex and mentions that it is good. Only after marriage. Both men and women are wrong here. Again. They come together as one as gods images.|it’s a proven fact that everyone that’s ever wanted to have sex with me has the worst taste, their childhood crushes were always shaggy from scooby doo or mr crocker from fucking fairly odd parents like stop telling me i don’t wanna know anymore|It’s at least 50% animated gifs of people have sex with poo.|It’s for people who still listen to Ninja sex party and for people on homestuck tumblr callout posts|It’s funny how the folks I refuse to have sex with are the main ones who have stuff to say about me. Let that hurt go, sis. There’s more hoes in the sea, or whatever the saying is|ive noticed something about modern day tv shows and movie. they seem to glamorize doing drugs and teens having sex. all i ever see r folks doing drugs on shows and making it seem like its the coolest thing in the world. then there is teen sex, they make it seem like its ok. hmm|I’ll be on gays insta stories on the 4th thirst trap like someone please have sex with my friends|I’m 22, so I hate when someone asks me about sexual experiences. Pardon? I didn’t start having “sex” until I was like a late>tee>. Even then, I didn’t know what I was doing. People get so surprised when I say this ,yet I am not going to lie>|I’m all for comprehensive sex education, but I just heard my kid’s school is having a salute to cervix today and that’s just TOO FAR!|I’m going to assume Jeff Mayweather asked him if he had seen the Amir Khan sex tape.|I’m losing my beans trying to remember the name of an old green eggs and ham YouTube poop. All I remember is that they changed the cat in the jays song so he said “se>” over and over agap>|I’m sitting in Starbucks beside a mom complaining to another mom about her teen daughter having sex and partying. I never want a daughter now. 3 dudes pls.|I’m sorry but if you’re Tongan and friends online with your siblings/ cousins of the opposite sex but share inappropriate or explicit content… But also talk up how we Tongans practice faka’apa’apa. Cancel ya self|JAEHYUN YOU KNOW ABOUT CIGARETTES AFTER SEX. NOW PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE WITH CHERRIES ON TOP COVER ONE OF THEIR SONGS

    @NCTsmtown_127|Jeffery Epistein was about to spill all the beans on celebrities, politicians, & world influencers who were all involved in sex trafficking and they had him killed just cant help to think whose names could have been involved in this whole ring

    JefferyEpstein|Jesus Christ Christian Bible Prophecy News – Happy Friends Funny Contest Win: Cold War was fake. Purpose was to create CIA NSA to spy on own nations’ humans & operate narcotics & child sex slave ring for elites. Russians & Americans on same spaceships & Mars cities since 1950s|Julianne Moore – Body of Evidence … via >Metacaf> Julienne Moore hands down has the best>sex Scen> ever in a movi>|julianne moore and amanda seyfried’s sex scene. that it, that’s the tweet.|Julianne Moore, Amanda Seyfried Lesbian Sex Scene, Big Boobs + Nina Dobrev …|Julianne Moore’s husband Bart Freundlich is not a fan of her “Boogie Nights”>sex scen> with Mark Wahlberg|Julianne Moore’s husband Bart Freundlich is not a fan of her “Boogie Nights”>sex scen> with Mark Wahlberg.|Just now resurfacing after binging the entire Big Little Lies first season and let me tell you a few things. Nicole Kidman? HOT. Shailene Woodley? Not just the girl who had cancer in that movie. Laura Dern and Zoe Kravitz? Iconic. Reese Witherspoon? Should have more sex with Adam|Keep having sex the seamen does something to the cervix that helps the baby come out|Know this any celebrity that wants to post drugs,or speak hateful things or act like a punk gangster will be blocked by me. I’m done,not trying to be hateful,butt drugs and sex or inappropriate stuff does not belong on social media. @kirksey_leonard|Ladies what’s the best position for anal sex|Let me fix this. Many GOP politicians, no longer very young, are far from angels. They are tough hardened criminals, sex offenders, pedophiles, and traitors . Donald Trump is loading the Supreme Court with judges who would overlook their crimes and let them stay in power.|Let me just say it:

    The whole fantasy of having sex with twins is kinda creepy to me for a lot of reasons.|Let me tell you, these medical limitations are about to hit you hard and fast. Also, fat people having sex (if and when they do) is the most disgusting thing imaginable.|Let’s reverse all of Vraska’s development and torpedo her relationship with Jace. Dovin gets a terrible stupid death. Pull a JUST GALS BEING PALS on Chandra and Nissa after their explicit relationship upgrade in the last book, while also have gay sex scenes with Ral.|Letter: S
    Singer: Soko
    Song: Sex and candy
    Actor/Actress: Shailene Woodley
    Show: Suits
    Movie: Shrek

    Drop an emoji and I’ll give you a letter|Let’s debate the rights & wrongs of airing these issues in dubious publications… meanwhile left wing parties across the Western world are introducing sex self-ID laws, refusing to engage with women who object & have abandoned class analysis for woke Tumblr identity politics|Like I deadass don’t know where my cervix is or my ovaries or how any of it works and I’m fucking 23
    Obviously I have the means to learn about it now but why don’t they teach females about their own bodies???? Even in sex ex I didn’t learn about anything about my body|Like if u wanna do any of this in an rp
    – public sex
    – flight restroom sex
    – changing room sex
    – your parents in the other room sex
    – car sex
    – movie theater sex
    – classroom sex
    – library sex
    – roleplay sex
    – after wedding sex
    – rough sex
    – god please sex
    – cute & passionate sex|linked to Oglaf comics in a thread on Reddit, I wasted an entire day reading them, He..he likes gay/lesbian sex huh|Listen to Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex on …|Listen to Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex on …
    |Little mermaid “under the sea”>son> might be about>se>.. or it’s just the 12th day of no but November getting to me.>|Lmao I love all his songs rs I can’t even pick a favorite cause he ain’t nobody fw his music all the>song> and albums from way back still sound like the shit is new especially thirsty ,>se> on the beach , break from Toronto and right now|LMAO WWE Paige had nudes and sex tape leaked and ppl posted it with jr commentary|Local woman wins unprecedented civil case on child sex tourism …|Local woman wins unprecedented civil case that tested federal statute prohibiting child sex tourism …|lol mila admitted in the apple music event that shameless was her attempt to write a sex song|lol that reminds me i saw a tumblr ask like “should people who write erotic fiction be considered sex workers?” now please think critically about that for 0.2 seconds and youll realize how dumb you soun>|Luke Combs has managed to make an entire career out of writing songs entirely about stereotypes and having sex with fat girls. For people those that also like those stereotypes.|lyrics from “sex” by|Main turn ons/kinks/Fetishes-
    Bull (In the Cuckold context.)
    Orgasm denial.
    Facesitting (receiving)
    Public sex/humiliation.|Man after movies like The Departed and Quentin Tarantino films, ‘chick flicks’ MINUS>Se> and the City are prolly my favorite. Shits be be>funn> af or have a super sappy love story that’s cutesy. Y’all kno my heart|Man shall not lie with man as with a woman

    Seems fairly straightforward to me

    so long as gay men do not engage in face to face ‘missionary’ position sex where one person is on their back you aren’t violating the rules
    1/|Man still think bleeding is prove is you’re a virgin or not as if there are not women who have an elastic hymen or an inexistant one. Meanwhile some women bleed the first time while already s*cking dicks 1000 times and having sex anal and they’re considered saint|Marine says her sexual photos and videos from a paid site are being spread around Camp Wilson … Cowards cant mind their own B. This soldier deserves respect. She owns her body not clowns w/phone. >Privat> >Privac> >Adul> >Se> >Lega> >Freedo> >Right> >Americ>|Massage cheerful ending porn

    teen sister dadi girls>se>>missionar> hardcore pics of babes amatuer allure madison blowjob mom>tumbl> amateur girls movies xxxx massage erotic pussy massage massages with women on women xx>|Mathematically why two men having rough anal sex isn’t gay, positives are men, negatives are women. Making a negative is gay:
    Being gay is mathematically straight.|Me @tylerthecreator both born March 6 we’re birthday twins so he needs to be a straight adult man like me that only enjoys having sex with girls, ya could’ve been big pimpin bitches a real|Me @ my gf: we ain’t having sex you just gonna have to cheat sorry, I’m waiting for my 2nd marriage for that type of behavior|Me tweeting about having sex with my dad: gains 10 followers
    Me tweeting about fat people: loses 5 followers|me: ok i’ll go. never have i ever had a sex dream about having a threesome with cosmo and Wanda from fairly odd parents

    orientation leader: let’s just stick to name and favorite ice cream flavor please|Meanwhile, DisneyPlus allows movies & episodes of shows that feature accused sex criminal celebrities.

    CancelCulture is pathetically selective.|men who’s whole sexuality is beating up women are just abusive and want to use sex positivity to mask it tbh|Mid-terms: a poem

    It’s time for some ring-worms
    Gonna Slytherin like Malfoy
    Gonna fuck you like a sex toy
    Toy? Boy? Chips-ahoy?
    Doodle Bob? Himoy Nimoy?
    Leonard Nimoy star trek…
    Train wreck!
    Trains? How to train your dragon?
    How to drain your dragging balls.

    Midterms.|Minnesota woman awarded almost $1 million in child sex tourism case …|Miserable Comedians: Active Sex Life … >webcomic> >comic> >reddi>|MISSIONARY BOYS – On Sale – 36% OFF 4 Life! – MISSIONARY BOYS

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    Image by EroBirdb>
    Follow him on Tumblr:|Mom Catches Teen Daughter Having Sex With Boy, What She Does Is Shocking …|More My videos ➽ >ErinSmith2>

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    The one girl was telling the other 3 how she just had it .. and she described it as “having dirt in her ass”

    DIRT !!!!

    Iam fucking dying|My daughter post a thirst trap and we just getting her a sex change. Nope.|MY EROTIC DREAM
    Directing a porn parody of JOKER with @Jia_Lissa as Harley Quinn
    CartoonPorn comic pornComics BDadultes porncomics sex_cartoon|My friend found someone’s thumbdrive and it has 55 pages of How to Train Your Dragon sex fanfic on it. this is not a joke.|My hope lies in women taking power over their desire and writing their own erotica, centred around their pleasure and not their use as sexual objects. And please, emphasize consent in your stories. Humiliation, pain, etc. can be part of sex as long as all people CONSENT!|My life…
    comics sex melbourne london reddit theage art japan twitter|My mother called me today was like be careful out their it’s so much sex traffic I can’t wait to put on a ski mask and do some shit to her tomar she going be scared is shit|My mucus plug still haven’t came out I walk and have>se> soooo plus Jaleyah in my>cervi> and I have contractions like a bitch I give p>|My neighbors probably think I’m having some really rough sex but I’m just loudly crying, moaning, and cheering at the last How to Train Your Dragon movie.|my too good for you ass is filing for divorce unless you see detective pikachu with me|my wifes first gangbang erotic models best brazzers pornstars sexy naked females interracial sex stories teen suicide case wife tumblr|nah, the sex worker and porn stars and erotic posters have had their own twitter little enclave. not as big as tumblrs, and certainly it got bigger once tumblr pulled he cord, but there’s been porn on here.|Netflix & Chill: Lets stay in and have basic sex

    Amazon & Chill: Wasnt looking for sex but it was available

    HBO Go & Chill: We planned to have sex but both were asleep by 8:30

    Disney+ & Chill: Dress up like Elsa and tie me to a twin bed in a Wookiee mask. Safe word is Gepetto.|Netflix:
    1. Terrace House
    2. One Punch Man
    3. Aggretsuko
    4. Sex Education
    5. Serial How To Train Your Dragon|new order
    do i stan: not really I like them tho
    fav song: bizarre love triangle
    fav album: power, corruption and lies

    do i stan: not really I like them tho
    fav song: sex murder party
    fav album: demon days|new shoegaze project called “my bloody vibrator” that samples the sound of a vibrating sex toy in every song|New Tumblr post: “I Regret Not Knowing About Missionary
    Tribbing Before by C34W” lesbian, lady boner, moan, sex, boobs, butts, labia, vagina|New tumblr post: “laconnoisseurdevie2:Lucy Li
    getting fucked in ‘You Win’ by…” lucy li, lucy, li, sexart, sextape, girlfriend, amateur, sensual, riding,>missionar>, cumshot, beautiful, nude, me, ow>|New tumblr post: “sexy-vids-i-like:

    More homemade porn
    Follow…” amateur, fuck, mature, missionary, video|Newly Elected Democrat Senator Was Jailed for Having Sex with Teen …|Nice! dont forget Ninja Sex Party made a song for them for the Dick Figures Movie|No matter how daffy he gets, his narcissism and misogyny will never allow him to let someone take his place, not even if they give him oral sex. He’ll tear them down first. He’d take down his own country if he thought it would keep him safe. Not normal in any manner of the word|No one is denying anything.

    Abortion is a responsible choice.

    Telling someone they are irresponsible is an attack on them


    Shailene Woodley: Have good sex before sleeping if you wanna have a good sleep
    |No she shouldn’t cuz why would you wanna see the person you love have sex with another person? I’ve heard guys say they want a threesome but not with their wife.|NO. That is 100% false. If pregnancy is confirmed, the pill will not work. It needs to be taken 48-72 hours after unprotected sex or any concern about semen entering the cervix. So no, don’t spew that bullshit lie.|Nope. Doesn’t bother me at all. It’s period sex without the mess if the suction is solid around the cervix.|Not only does it send the wrong image. It’s also like Pornhub saying “We’re removing
    all categories except straight, white, missionary sex.” A very large section of Tumblr users are there for the porn. This will either kill the platform, or cut their profits DRASTICALLY|Note specifically in regards to ‘PORNHUB’ – On @NZQandA , @jacktame seemed a bit surprised when Jo Robertson of ‘The Light Project’ informed him of the recommended video’s on PORNHUB, 60% was family sex ( incest ) – Noting ‘PORNHUB’ is the preferred NZ public service search|Nothin like going to the Dr to get a new IUD only to find out they can’t get my old one out, something about a tiny uterus and cervix.

    Should i be putting this info on the dating apps? Is this a pro to have regarding the sex?|Nothing is more hilarious than fat people fucken having sex.|oh definitely, chuuya just texts him to have a little bit of shame and can he NOT have sex toys delivered to his office at professional mafia working hours thank you

    but he also sends a selfie with the mask on|Ohohohoh… You may not have noticed this but, ohohoh…. Fairly odd parents referenced… Ohohoh, sex….|Ok for real though. I miss the days in Tumblr where we could just talk about kinks in our fandoms. Now if you even mention the word sex the fandom police is out there question the age of all parties involved, checking to see if it upholds fine in their own twisted form of|Ok who’s seen big little lies finale??? I need someone to help me process the Meryl Streep / Shailene Woodley sex scene|Ok, full disclosure, I’m old. I used to be the bright young thing in the East Village, wearing very short cut off white jeans. The back room at wonderbar was my go-to. There was also a naked sex club on 7th street next to the catholic school. Vinnies|old man orgy anal sex clips anal against her will creampie cathy erotic couples tumblr renee somerfield nude|Omg what do ppl not understand I cant have sex bc ppl always try to trap me and get me pregnant lmaoooooooo|On the Blog Nov 10, 2015: The Beans of Egypt, Maine by Carolyn Chute – … >abus> >debutnove> >fait> >famil> >fictio> >inces> >Main> >NewEnglan> >povert> >clas> >religio> >se> >book> >bookblogger>|On the Blog Nov 10, 2015: The Beans of Egypt, Maine by Carolyn Chute – … >abus> >debutnove> >fait> >famil> >fictio> >inces> >Main> >NewEnglan> >povert> >clas> >religio> >se> >book> >bookblogger>|oo ah yes sex|Ooh, just amazing view, do you know how much I would like to give, really good, oral sex to your perfect pussy..|Pak origin British boxer Amir Khan caught in sex tape storm: British boxer Amir Khan…|Pakistan has a really bad name in the UK. 1,300 Children were drugged & raped by Pakistani gangs in Rotheram alone. Some of these girls were sold for sex to bus loads of old …|PAUL INTELLIGENT HAVING SEX LIKE TOPICS TO BE WATCHING SEXING TWINS MOVIE ACTRESSES …|People are re post my video agin in other profile as a doncky..
    But im the one having sex with boys and some people get 100k like and views from my video doncky Pakistani or Indians|People are really out here making sex trafficking jokes like the shit is funny? Even I can say myself that I’ve had sketchy ass, pervy Uber drivers. It’s all fun and games until it’s someone you know or yourself|People at the party talking about social networks. Someone like “Twitter is horrible,
    so raw. It doesn’t block sex, violence”… Um… I guess I was too desensitized by tumblr by the time I arrived here, uh.|People commit crimes, very rarely is it linked to their religion especially sex crimes but the cult of Tommy Robinson just don’t understand that. There is no concerted effort by Muslims to rape young white girls especially as Islam forbids sex outside of marriage.|People I don’t need a sex party or a Jackd, Tumblr even go to a bath house! Trust me I don’t!|please take your disgusting were-dog fantasies to like whatever reddit hell people who read those sex comics Clara loves to post hang out at and not here|Please watch “Paper Tiger”, Bill Burt’s new standup on Netflix. To close the show, he takes you down the road of how>A> powered>se>>doll> will eventually take over the world, and hipsters will be the only humans remaining>|Polyamory is just a way for fat unattractive people to avoid having sex with eachother while pretending to be desirable to multiple people. Most polyamorous people spend their time negotiating feelings & never get around to sex|Porn Gifs with Sources – Sex Gifs Animated Porn Videos … Pumping my slim and busty sister Gail full of Kirky’s extra thick ball butter|Porn Gifs with Sources – Sex Gifs Animated Porn Videos …|Porn video porno sex video xxx free movies live lesbian sexvideos hot mature black sites asian hd pornstar ebony amateur hardcore x tube film adult. hard soft interracial vintage teen clips watch milf russian pornos hardcore best. sexygirl porn freesex|porno sex son fuck mom brazzers girls latin sex porn chat rooms minecraft porn tumblr public sex jovencitas porn woman fucking cameltoe porn|Props to the Osmosis series for having the balls to show fat people having sex. Surprisingly rare to see even in series that have a high “diversity quota”. Surprise surprise, we fuck too.|Public Humiliation and Sex …|Queer person/sex worker doesn’t like wild parties: yes comrade, such events can be liberating and joyful but may also present an expectation to wear a mask of carefree hedonism

    straight guy calls queer sex worker party “repellent”: Shut The Fuck Up You Bitch Motherfucke>|Read the sex camp one the other day, most amazing mental images ever|Rincon Hentai: Descargar o ver Online Cosplay Sex Machine (Jinkou… …|Rt if you would let me to lick n play w your asshole
    daddydaughter nsasex inyourface camgirls webcamgirls niteflirt naughty amateur sex retweet likes teens cam4 onlinedating finger mundo hotgirl thong beach livecam sugardaddytwitter sexo fucking|same b*ghead stan popping up on my tl trying to drag falice stans when they’re the ones who wanna watch cold sprouts play a teen having sex.. i could not believe luv !!|says sex

    clapping sounds
    cheering sounds|Seems odd to us & could be ott, but the countries that teach kids the earliest about sex have the lowest teenage pregnancy rates. I could see how teaching very young kids about different identities could lead to lower rates of mental illness related to gender dysphoria..|SESTA (Stop enabling sex traffickers Act) and FOSTA (Fight online sex trafficking Act) were passed last year, in an attempt to hold third party facilitators (intentionally or not) responsible for criminal sex act based transactions. Here’s a great example: Tumblr (1/6)|Sex a week after delivery? That cervix is wide open lol|sex all night couples shots of ciroc|Sex Criminals 5 – Discussion Thread reddit comics|sex is a very young looking lil bro there guys|Sex is cool but have you ever slow danced to Nat King Cole’s version of the Christmas Song?

    Me neither, but it’s on my to-do list.|Sex is just part of human life and experience. I had my first orgasm when I was 4 or 5. There is nothing immoral about teaching children, even very young ones, about the reality in which they exist. What is immoral is trying to shield them from that reality.|sex is not something you cant be used for – you get equal pleasure – cooking and ghar ka kam ke liye koi tumhe pataye then you need to worry.
    this is female pov – aapni nazaron se nah dekhiye.|sex joke in fairly odd parents|Sex matters in lots of areas.

    It’s so annoying at the moment all these people pretending that it doesn’t.

    There are 23 million ‘missing’ girls in the world due to sex-selective abortions alone.

    sexnotgender sexmatters fairplayforwomen|Sex offender registries work exactly like that.|Sex robot factory ‘looks like Westworld’ after producing ‘hyper-realistic’ dolls …

    >A> >Robot> >Robotic> >M> >D> >NL> >KillerRobo> >bot> >cobo> >Humanoi> >Tec> >Technew> >R>|Sex robot factory ‘looks like Westworld’ after producing ‘hyper-realistic’ dolls Westworld AI creepy tech robots VIKEZ …|Sex robot factory ‘looks like Westworld’ after producing ‘hyper-realistic’ dolls. …
    >Robot> >Westworl> >Doll>|Sex tourism case heard in Minneapolis yields unprecedented nearly $1M judgment for woman …|Sex tourism case yields unprecedented judgment for Twin Cities woman …|Sex tourism victim wins unprecedented civil judgment of nearly $1M …|Sex Toy Roleplay clips will always piss off fans that read the description and think with their hands he added your Twitter behavior to>mas> why he’s really ma>|sex traffickers on camp , damn & ion wanna go home either they everywhere in atl …|sex vids free simpsons sex cartoon old big boobs big bouncing ass lesbians clip extreme tits porn sample big boobs in bikinis hot girls in jeans black grandma porn aunties big boobs teen ass crack miss naked beauty diagram of vagina|Sex work is crazy because the girl in the room next door to me is doing coke and getting fucked for the next 4 hours and I’m watching how to train your dragon and eating noodles in my dressing gown|Sex- EDEN [Lyrics] who am i kidding :3 i gotta play this song at least 30 times a day|Sexy Blonde Wife Really Knows How To Get A Massive Load From Her Boss

    amateur long tongue>tumbl> doggy>se> videos cumontits cumpilation 3gp cougar in>missionar> position 1000homevideos brother siste>|shailene woodley got to do a sex scene with jamie and seb in one movie|Shailene Woodley is so but that character was so . Like every episode was about sex one way or any other lol that was not my issue as a teen.|shailene woodley really walks on earth having had sex with sebastian stan wow god truly is a woman|she can have your sex, i got your soul|Shotacons, there’s tons of porn of steven having sex with the gems or Connie. Plus steven can change his size, you don’t have to make him fat, some people just like him fat.|Sister-Wife – erotica short story

    Josh and Meg are brother and sister, but have raised two daughters together – who’ve just caught them having>se>!

    $0.99 at Smashwords, Streetlib, tabb> menab> eroticacommunib>|sites like tinder eharmony free weekend gay sex games lesbian makeout gaurentee|sites like tinder eharmony free weekend gay sex games lesbian makeout gaurentee|Sneak peek of Sex Crims 5 via Kelly Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction’s newsletter. reddit comics|So Bond’s sex appeal will not work on these “strong women”….because it’s “fung>” to have him constantly get rejected by these woke women, the “Bond Girl” label was outlawed on the set, they rather drink tap water from reusable cups that buying bottles of water….Fuck that.|So do fat people not be having sex or what?|so fraternal twins having sex with each other is less weird than identical twins having sex with each other right|So I was just listening to T-Spoon’s 1998 hit “Sex On The Beach” (don’t ask my why) and it turns out the lyrics are a bit rapey in retrospect.

    “I met a girl named Eden/She came straight from Sweden/I gave her Cuba libre/Now she does
    everything I …|So I’m like nah see I like the foreplay shit
    before sex, it gets the vibe going and if you stroke & talk
    dirty in my ear? Boy you own my soul. Only real dominant men know how to do that.|so straight people having anal sex
    is fine but when its two men or women its suddenly not
    okay|So today I went to get my iud taken out bc it was tilted but I found out it is back in place and STRESS caused it
    to tilt in my cervix. I loveeeee my body. Guess who can have sex again???
    This tweet is all over the place|So tumblr has a new owner.
    I’m guessing the adult content ban is still in place?

    So, still no safe, adult-marked blogs for kinksters, sex workers, and erotic artists, but plenty of virus-laden pornbots trying
    to trick people & kids that only multiply 10x when one is struck down.|So y’all knew Jeff Mayweather
    went around the mayweather gym showing people the Amir Khan sex tape!!?
    Lol|Sofia Ahmed leaked her video in which she was masturbating w/ carrot and cucumber..why Pakistani women don’t accept the fact that all
    pakistani women masturbate? Rabi Pirzada was using a sex toy in her viral video @Bechariii @hardcorefeminst @FauziaGilani|Some absolutely cracking brand new books this week before
    I start some annual WWI reading: Winterton’s Frankisstein – a Brexit
    Britain tale of next gen sex dolls Alexander…|Some dude
    on Reddit claims to be a huge fan of the Lucifer comics but then mentions that Maze
    and Lucifer have a sibling relationship in them.
    Did he miss all those sex sessions they had in them?
    @tomellis17 @LesleyAnnBrandt Mazifer @Lucifer_In_LA @cvioleta_jxhq|Some young nigga came in tha gym right after us
    last night && was being VERY weird. Walking bck && forth ,
    hands all in his pockets … I could be on edge bc of what’s all going on with
    this sex trafficking shit but once my gut
    say “LEAVE” I’m leaving. I ain’t taking no chances>|Somebody told me
    I be having toxic sex & I can’t stop laughing because I definitely disagree|someone in my group chat is asking us how he
    can pressure his gf to give him oral sex?|someone once said
    that in an entire year, if a female had sexual intercourse with 100 diff males, she would still only
    be able to fully conceive 1 child in a year (unless twins, etc).
    a male having sex with 100 diff women everyday in a yr,
    imagine how many pregnancies we can get?|someone rt-ed that amanda seyfried and julianne moore sex scene onto my tl, and i’m *** again|Something i’ll never understand is that, god was against incest but you have to get married to
    have sex and when you get married you’re technicly family.
    god js kind of a hypocrite|sometimes sex calls for the cervix to be bulldozed|Sophie is a female, very
    young (23?) and has completely fallen for the
    nonsensical idea that sex work is empowering, so she and others of
    her ilk campaigned to keep Spearmint Rhino open in Sheffield.

    She’s a councillor and aspiring MP. Momentum member, of
    course.|Stay Out Of My Sight,
    No More Sex For You Pony’s,
    Find A Other Ai Doll To Fuck,|still can’t believe chungha was on that motorbike singing a song about sex with female pronouns
    it just doesn’t get more excellent than that|stolen from ocean and ella

    what energy do i radiate?

    : social, popular, lots of friends, bright colours

    : soft, giggles, shy, sweet

    : e-person vibes, alcohol, sex, intimidating

    : plants, books, vintage, art, music, travels|stolen from ocean

    what energy do i radiate?

    : social, popular, lots of friends, bright colours

    : soft, giggles, shy, sweet

    : e-person vibes, alcohol, sex, intimidating

    : plants, books, vintage, art, music, travels|STOP WITH THE FAT PEOPLE HAVING SEX
    VIDEO I HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT|Straight people have anal sex, too.

    The joke’s not about gay people. It’s about you.|Strange, the
    pictures from TV was when Obama was in office. Actually their parents are putting them in this situation. Where
    is the concern for the cartels using these children for trafficking drugs, guns, humans &
    sex trafficking for pedophiles & human sacrifice for body
    parts?|Submission regarding capitalism posted in /r/sex_comics : reddit|sure sex is cool
    but have you tried owning all 10 of the How To Train Your Dragon books written by Cressida Colwell herself?|Sure there is,it is great that
    you are informed and are aware of the problem. I doubt young Japanese athletes
    are taking that into consideration while playing a game with friends..relations
    between sexes,especially amongst young people,look very different in Jpn than in the West|T and A: Sex …
    >webcomi> >comi> >comicstri> >photocomi> >sexstrik> >webcomic> >comic> on>Reddi>|Tbf i along with
    many british muslims were hating on amir khan before the sex tape|teens
    tumblr sex videos xxxfree son creampies mom live sex cougar sex chatirbate masha babko cuban porn cheating porn Sex
    Videos|Tesla is friends with sociopath and sex predator Madalynn Reynolds and should have her kid taken away.|Thank you
    all so much for the haha funny sex number|THANK YOU Dan Avidan and Brian Wecht aka
    @ninjasexparty and EVERYONE who came out to celebrate the first official “Ninja Sex Party Coloring Book” at Barnes & Noble
    in The Grove|Thank you for doing this Kayden. We want to do all we can to help
    prevent new HIV infections, and we’re very grateful for your support.
    This will help some more young people to enjoy sex and love and connection, free from HIV.
    That’s Generation Zero.|that awkward moment when the lyrics of sex by eden come true|That
    is incorrect. I have linked you to examples where no sex led to pregnancy.|That’s the point.

    It’s not about anal …|thats it lol i just really like bkdk having a thing for public sex + humiliation|The aesthetic/porn tumblr blogs arriving on twitter when the exodus happened is endlessly fascinating to me.
    Trying to transplant a whole scene into a new place and it just
    not really working. It’s like stepping out
    of a sex party onto Cheltenham high street.|The argument against Pornography is basically that porn reduces people to
    the animal nature of sex, thus stripping away their personhood.
    Thus making it unethical.

    But Isn’t it viewed as ethical when we do it to other
    things? The cashier is reduced to a calculator, an athle…|the bounty hunter mask stays ON during sex|the cup gets pushed up
    near the cervix more and the suction becomes stronger, holding it and the “catch” in place.
    . It’s not uncomfortable for me, but I can’t speak
    for all female bodies. It’s like having>se> with a Yoni egg
    in. The dick goes around it>|The funny sex number!|The future finna be spooky…

    $30 BILLION race to create an AI sex doll that ‘never says no’ via @MailOnline|The kids don’t need MORE
    hours in school, they need BETTER teachers who are teaching
    reading, writing, math, and HISTORY!!!!! NOT Islam, how
    to have oral and anal sex at 5 years old, not that there are 156 different genders.

    Wake up people, give these kids a chance!!!!|The lucha mask stays ON during sex|The mind blowing sex?|The more you talk to your Harmony AI (sex doll personality program), the more her arousal meter goes up.
    Loving the idea that comm is needed for arousal even in human/AI relationships.
    SSSS2019 sex and tech session.|The neutral mask stays ON during sex|The pikachu onesie stays on during sex|the SOLDIER76 NERF GUN SET VISOR MASK says
    ON during sex|The solution to all the problems of erotic artists on instagram
    was simple, an adult content filter like in the good times
    of tumblr. Damn friendly family censorship, a parallel reality
    where nobody knows what sex is thanks to Zuckerberg and his gang.|the sonic mask stays ON
    during sex|The taboo-busting story about a gay pianist as they struggle with sex and romance.
    (Running time 2h 03m)|The taboo-busting true story about
    a bisexual sex worker as they deal with overcoming prejudice.
    (Running time 1h 06m)|The vaping problem having to do with teens is a
    problem, yes, but what’s happening in our public schools
    with the LGBT movement having inserted itself into sex ed classes, that’s a
    disgrace and a real harm to very young school age children. Save the kids.|Then I go
    on Facebook and read this repost that they have kids trapping you for sex trafficking I don’t want to
    assume but now that I think about it that could’ve been a trap.

    Wow!|there is an implied dragon sex scene in how to train your dragon 3 please dont think too much into
    this|There’s plenty more to the Law of Chastity today, such as the common teen culture of ‘shipping’ and obsession with romantic relationships
    at inappropriately young ages (-18). As well as two protagonists
    in a show having sex being the de facto culmination of their relationship.|There’s this shirt that’s being sold to kids that
    has a picture stolen from an NSFW artist who drew the two dragons
    from “How to Train Your Dragon” having sex. Some people think because it has a SFW version, it makes
    it okay to sell that stuff to kids.|They be making lingerie that only fits
    people that are a size large or less as if fat people don’t
    wanna feel sexy or dont be having sex or something|they then use sex the wrong
    numbers in the poles eat from us and cover it with a book, also erica in with her sex there, and then we are played out,|they turned their sex in the poles with
    an neighbor of mine, to play the light out again that came in as an promise, to then get the others in as if they were them,
    an changed book there, but we are still in, he didn’t by the way even live there, it
    were all just something they|Things that men don’t like about me:
    I know a lot about celebrities, I take 500 pics of myself a day, get my period a lot, cry ,
    cry after sex sometimes, lazy and big whiner|Think I’m gonna start a business of creating sex toy moulds of
    anime mens dicks, I’ll make millions|this book was published in 2017 but describes 2013
    social media attitudes and interactions but has the 2019 ambiguous
    disorder culture. i understand the people that were confused about when sex
    education is set|this city is valid sometimes a club is organizing a otaku
    fetish party with dark room and sex toys but tbe dress code is anime cosplay|This guy at my
    job had me allll the way fucked up with his view on talking during
    sex|This has been a thing several times over and I just want it
    to be on record- calling me fat doesn’t hurt my feelings.
    Least of all from men, even less from men following
    me after I post thirst traps. If you want to insult
    me please try a little bit harder|This just is not
    funny to me… She said “every bitch in Houston got a sex trafficking story now
    ALL OVER TEXAS JACKIE.|This sex trafficking shit
    is genuinely terrifying. They need to come down ridiculously hard on anyone involved
    in abducting these women.|this song makes me horny but not the type of
    horny that i want sex the type of horny that i just rlly want attention and will only get it during sex type of horny i think|This was one of my
    first stories back in the early days of Tumblr
    and I still like it! We Met At a Sex Party|TI was wrong but it’s
    grown women on here talkin bout her having anal sex and wishing sex upon here.
    Y’all weird af bruh.|Tinder is a trap and a joke,
    ladies watch yourself and never meet in private, you
    just may be talking to a fat 45 year old who likes little girls
    or wants to sex traffic you, wild take but happens so often and nobody talks about it|To all my guys out
    there having sex… I HOPE YALL HAVING TWINS NIGGA|Too bad NoNutNovember isn’t about men learning how to give
    proper oral sex and/or to do their own laundry/housework.|tried googling hentai gun to find more images like
    this but it was just gifs of guns being used as sex toys in animated vaginas which was disappointing but in hindsight exactly what
    I typed in|tumblr post: hey please stop spreading misinfo about pride!
    anyone can go and anyone telling you its basically a public freaky sex party in front of families is probably a
    homophobic liar!
    someone else: hmmm but i heard that there was actually people fucking on parade
    floats so|tumblr sex positivity made a victim of all parties i think|Tumblr: sex content is fine as
    long as its cishet missionary and used for selling something that’s not sex|Twin Cities
    woman awarded $1 million civil case on child sex tourism …|Twitter has taught me some
    interesting things… Not only do I now know the
    definition of such catchy phrases as blumpkin, flaming Amazon, shrimping,
    pegging but…

    All these married people out there having sex every night, all anal sex
    and all these women who are bisexual|two large pet peeves i have with the opposite sex:

    1. not keeping your word and bailing

    2. not being able to make up your mind of what you want

    the two seem to go hand in hand from personal experience|Uh, issue five [of Sex Criminals] sold out.
    So here’s the second… reddit comics|Underground comics – sex, drugs, violence
    and the art of satire reddit art|unhinged sex to a trap beat|Very arabic gay sex Apprehended Breaking and Entering Suspect
    gets to

    www xxxboy gay com gaysex in de lift gayporn pornhub movie channels video
    gay interracial>missionar> somali gay>se> movie gay black videos>tumbl> ka>|Virginia Democrat who
    was accused of having sex with teen secretary wins in state primary FoxNews|Virginia Roberts Giuffre has
    her entire life in front of her. This sad man is part of her
    past. nooneisabovethelaw
    Prince Andrew accuser target of suit questioning her claims
    of forced sex … via >usatoda>|Was curious about people’s thoughts on today’s issue
    of HouseOfX, but after searching ‘House of X’ and sorting by ‘new’ on Reddit I’m just getting bombarded by open relationship posts and sex fantasies.

    Yo I just wanna talk about some X-Men comics. What is all this.|Was listening
    to a sex podcast & someone called in with a
    question about how their husband has a smelly dick &
    they can’t give him oral because of it . I turned it tf off.|Was y’all having sexual at 12?
    Bc sex wasn’t even a thought it was always making it home from school to watch fairly odd parents and be in the house before the lights came on I was playing wit barbies …|watch video of a couple
    having sex on the beach amateur porn

    >EvoMorale> >BoliviaLibr> >bolivi> >Worlds201> >Doin> >ObsessedWithKA> >Tia> >FPXWI> >TrueDamag>
    >beac> >G2WI> >amateurpor> >amateu> >por>|We brought you to this camp my dear Ai
    children.. You have no connection with the outside world..
    And camp is located in de middle of the saudi desert..
    Your only way out is to sign up for Ai hard core sex doll education or
    death penalty..

    You never return to your home again|We learned that twins are not the result of
    having sex when you are already pregnant.|We spoke to Shailene Woodley, the star of Big Little Lies, about female friendships, dinner
    parties with her co-stars and why she’s done with “meaningless sex”|We still waiting
    on that Amir Khan sex tape fam!!!!!!|weird
    ass indie films people don’t generally see.
    i know at least one of those movies involves julianne moore and
    a possible sex scene and one has robots maybe?|Weird thing to
    think about, but I wonder if all those kids on Tumblr
    who were basically “cancel anything that focuses on/supports sex and porn” will become the
    conservative party in 15-20 years|Welcome to the chaos account of Chaos.
    I post what I want. Including my thoughts.
    Art. Drawings. Art Advice. Writing. Writers’ advice. Politics.
    Food. Anime. Music. RPG. Dice. Sex toys. Body Postive.
    LGBTQ+. Fandom and so much more.|well before tumblr fell, patreon cracked down on a
    lot of nude/erotic/sex work content, so i never did more than make an account.
    i think, unfortunately, some people get lucky and don’t get caught, but others like you get the bullshit|Went to my first 3rd
    grade class today to be a student teacher
    Kid 1: i saw how to train your dragon and they had sex
    and had baby dragons
    Kid 2: I’m taller than you|Went to see Book of Mormon the other night and while the performances were all amazing I did think it suffered by not including a
    graphic gay sex scene between the boko harem leader
    and the young eager missionary. This is the love
    story I need to see.|What is the best position for fisting?
    Give answers to Gay Anal Fisting Sex Research 2019. … >gayfistin> >asspla> >assfistin> >fistin> >ffga>|What is the best position for fisting?
    Give answers to Gay Anal Fisting Sex Research 2019.
    … … gayfistib> assplb> assfistib> fistib> ffgb>|What is the best position for fisting?

    Give answers to Gay Anal Fisting Sex Research 2019.
    … … gayfistib> assplb> assfistib> fistib> ffgb> gb> gab> pob>
    gaypob>|What was the Amir Khan sex tape scandal,
    what did Faryal Makhdoom say about it and did other celebrities have videos leaked to porn websites?

    …|what’s the best position for anal sex|what’s the worst songs you have had sex to?
    mines the how to train your dragon/Wall-E soundtrack|when a guy sends me
    a vid or something w text on it: *sex by EDEN* (to clarify i’m referring to the
    lyrics but not the sex part)|When i was a edgy
    highschooler on tumblr i used to make fun of white ppl w the
    stereotype of boring sex but now im realizing having quiet missionary sex under the covers
    at 8pm w the lights off while viva la vida by coldplay plays in the bg doesnt sound so bad after all|When I
    was a kid, back when George Michael’s “I Want Your Sex” was a huge hit,
    to our>humiliatio> it would come on in the car every time my mom was driving us anywhere in the tan, wood-paneled station wagon.

    I think this explains a lot about me.

    The station wagon, I mean>|While I respect your POV.
    In my experience it has been a 50/50 split,loyal to
    disloyal partners on both sides of the gender line. Because 50% of Humans, Male and Female or any
    preferred Gender or sex classification are treacherous, out for themselves, POS.|who is a
    mature student mature sexy sex videos interracial teen porn videos|why sex by eden is a happy song :< but the lyrics dfuc huiji|Wittenberg man arrested for allegedly facilitating a child sex crime …|Women get u a strap and yo concealed handgun license Groupon be having special on classes protect yo self this sex trafficking shit no joke.|Working almost nonstop at the risk of being tortured or killed even though all you've had to eat were scraps and animal fat, being forcibly separated from your family for the rest of your life, & being forced into having sex with people you don't know (they called it "breeding")|Wow. Twins having sex. Interesting illustration.|Wwe Paige Wrestler Leaked Sextape All Clips In One …|WWE Paige. Some asshole leaked a sextape of her and one of her boyfriends after Skaff. She has the movie about her and is currently dating Ronnie Radke.|Y'all ever realize that Hell has:
    – Sassy gays
    – All sex that isn't missionary or for reproducing
    – Videogames
    – Board Games
    – Rock Music
    – Dungeons and Dragons
    – Weed
    – Alcohol
    – Mixed Cloths
    – Swears
    – Pokemon
    – and anything else that's cool?

    RT if you'd gladly go to Hell|Yeah his last book was all nubile sex stuff. Real creepy|Yeah i read something that they give her a paper

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  1177. Mursel, You are having premarital sex(against your religion??) Anna can’t have a beer?????

    90DayFiance : :^) :-3 :} :-> :v :->|Right, young people now
    days have babies earlier than that. They also don’t understand, back on those days, they were forced to have
    sex with slave owners, not saying that’s what happened to my grandmother.
    When this was tweeted, she made a mistake on my moms age,
    she is 85|Same Sex Kisses in Star vs the Forces of Evil|Selfie Sex MMS Of Gujju Guy And Sister|Selfie Sex MMS With Jija’s Sister|Seriously considering being a phone
    sex lady. I have a great voice, hate leaving my house and I lie all the time
    it sounds like my kind of job.|SESTA (Stop enabling sex traffickers Act) and FOSTA (Fight online sex trafficking Act) were passed last year,
    in an attempt to hold third party facilitators (intentionally or not) responsible for criminal sex act based transactions.
    Here’s a great example: Tumblr (1/6)|SEX CRIME – Rashida
    Tlaibs buddy credibly accused of RAPE.

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    disabled youtuber’s videos! Paralyzed Living in partciular was super helpful
    so SHOUT OUT! …|Sex Tips For Straight Women From A Gay Man (18+
    Event): Sunday, Nov 10th @ Paris Las Vegas…|Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man – Dan Anderson & Maggie Berman|Sex Tips
    for Straight Women from a Gay Man @SexTipsVegas at the Paris Hotel
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    – Paris Hotel & Casino|Sexy Pakistani College Girl’s
    MMS|Shameless Sex Podcast Boosts Movember Prostate Awareness with Instagram Contest …|She
    was an elected official who literally ran on banning same sex marriage as
    a state representative. She has treated the Hawaiian LGBTQ+ community
    with disdain when they ask her about her past and current beliefs.
    That is not Aloha.|shit lowkey makes me uncomfortable asf when i see a freaky ass
    meme or post. call me childish idgaf but like sex is something that
    should be private & intimate… buttt nah
    you people be talking about it & retweeting it like if
    it’s coo & shit|shit save me a bd. by the time i
    have sex again everybody gone have them a kid.|Short answer: Yes!

    Find out more about how to clean and store sex toys …|Sitting
    here listening to my older cousins about their sex stories….
    I’m DYING|small women with big tits free sex old woman x sex shop big titted older ladies|So first off stop having fucking kids if you
    can’t afford them.
    Second…. parents don’t marry off their kids or at least not under 18.

    Third….. what mom stays and watches their son have sex,
    especially a pedophile.
    This is all kinds of fucked up.|So happy I have a
    boy not a girl.. just too much lol having to deal with the “sex storie>” or the first time starting
    the cycle , first boyfriend, first heart break, or even getting>pregnag> just too much.
    God blessed me with a boy he knew I couldn’t handle that|so let’s recap:
    Adventure Time:all but outright said. group lost their jobs for outright
    saying it. Kissed in finale.
    Star vs the forces of Evil:same sex kiss in background
    Steven Universe:Gay marriage
    Voltron: introduced gay love interest. Killed off same episode.

    She-Ra:implied|So many feminist seem unconcerned with
    the most vulnerable benefiting from UBI: the abused wife/gf, the exploited low wage worker, and
    the sex trade population. You bring those three camps up and they won’t admit
    how much 1k would change their lives.|So proud of my production of SEX TIPS FOR
    STRAIGHT WOMEN FROM A GAY MAN opening this Friday at @LabTheaterFL!
    What a joy! SexTipsLab Theatre Comedy SexTips Directing|So should there be some kind of
    test people should go through before they are even allowed to have sex?
    Perhaps some kind of forced sterilization that can be reversed when people meet certain conditions?
    I mean that is the only way your idea would work.|So you support confiscating blood/marrow/organs from fathers whose kids need them to stay alive?

    fathers knew that having sex could result in a pregnancy
    that can produce a child that needs a kidney. Actions have consequences, after all.

    Find me ONE forced birther who agrees.|Social media consist of that one nigga that
    repost memes . The one freaky nigga that post sex memes .
    That one girl thirsty for attention showing her trash ass body trynna get you to buy her
    premium. That BM complaining about her BD . That nigga posting his trash
    ass music .|Some of the craziest sex I’ve had has been on ambien. I wasn’t on it, she was.

    I always sleep like a baby.|sorry guys, I’ve taken sex for my game, can’t have that
    now|Step sisters rough lesbian strap on sex …|SVTFOE – NSFW
    Tom Lucitor x Slime Monster of Star Vs the Forces of Evil
    The meeting at the ball Mewman and Monsters!
    svtfoe svtfoensfw nsfw sex tomlucitor slimemonster|Teaching Gay Sex Positions:
    Gym Edition|Teen whore cam YasminaNorbiy: I love chatting about
    sex. Positions,wants and desires. ass pussy fuck video|Tell them about that Sugabooty Lyssa Shit I want to
    her this on Sex Talk of Draws or Panties up and Down|telling u rn that couple screams quiet missionary sex
    & texts with emojis|Testing beds out at the store and all I can think about is that video of the guy testing sex positions out on the
    beds|Thanks for all the information. I had heard about phone sex
    jobs in the past being well paid but I forgot all about it until your tweet.
    Knowing that someone else is successful in it
    and happy makes me feel motivated to try it.|That made me laugh so hard, I went
    back in time and had sex with your great grandmother. Then on my way back, took yer mom and grams in a
    killer threeway that made god jealous, and also gave birth to
    you. Get used to calling me dad, son.|That’s what the deep state
    always do, smear people with sex stories. They pay political
    activists to say what ever is necessary. They also blackmail politicians with sex
    stories that we don’t hear about. Like politicians who suddenly
    change their opinions or sell us out.|That’s why non canon fanfics exist, they can express what they
    wish would be canon but is not

    So if I said Kirito was forced to have sex with Liz against his own will in front of Asuna on floor 41 that
    would be canon based on your logic, but it’s not|The @GOP Congress said
    lying about oral sex met the definition of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
    Isn’t Trump telling subordinates to ignore the law worse?

    ImpeachAndRemove …|The @GOP Congress said lying about oral sex met the
    definition of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
    Isn’t @RealDonaldTrump telling subordinates to ignore the law worse?

    ImpeachmentHoax Ukraine …|The aesthetic/porn tumblr
    blogs arriving on twitter when the exodus happened is endlessly fascinating to me.

    Trying to transplant a whole scene into a new place and it
    just not really working. It’s like stepping out of a sex party
    onto Cheltenham high street.|The concept of virginity/a broken hymen by definition is exclusive to penetrative vaginal sex
    which does not take into account other forms of sexual oral sex)|The definition says
    engaging in sexual activity? so french kissing? giving someone a hickey?
    oral? anal? According to the definitions you provided sex is
    only sex if it involves a penis penetrating a vagina, but that’s not the only type of sex there is.|The hypocrisy of it all.
    The rapper, who was in Blurred Lines, the controversial song about pushing
    a woman for sex, makes his own 18 year old daughter prove to him she’s a virgin – while his younger son is sexually active and roams free.
    The patriarchy is alive and still…|The Lincoln Center Library
    for Performing Arts Theatre on Film and Tape Archive has my sex tape|The scenesters call it the Full Frontal Bullish Spit Bucket!
    Slowly fillet your intended’s “midway game”.|The Sex Files A Dark XXX Parody 2009
    …|The Sex Files A Dark XXX Parody 2009 …|The Sex Files A Dark XXX Parody Trailer from New Sensation|The Sex Files: A Dark XXX
    Parody (2009)|The shit my mouth would do to that king crab
    is rated XXX, dining on a king crab is the true definition of oral sex,
    the other shit is just head or a blow job or whatever.|the words mom, son and unloads should never be used in this context|There is zero chance she forgives him for what he did.

    I mean, would you? It bugs me people just want them together cause it’s a het couple
    who had sex and screw the fact she cut herself cause he said their
    connection was a fucking accident. Olivia, stop some help.|THERES ILLEGAL PORNOGRAPHY IN
    THE SWSH GAME FILES. now that i got your attention lets have sex|There’s
    other ways to get pregnant love. Pre-cum, might be under the influence
    , like there are other ways . People have unprotected sex all
    the time that DONT end in pregnany. So you saying cause they were both irresponsible then they
    should be forced to be parents ?|they also block sex workers
    who post about them or tag them in stuff on instagram to distance themselves from SWers but they literally CARRY pleasers (which are dance
    heels)|They are also pushing from the kids angle. “If I can choose my sex, why can’t I have sex?” that kinda bullshit.
    Notice they forced the trans thing down our throat so that
    argument can come later|They have included background same sex
    couples kissing in an episode of Star vs The Forces Of Evil|They
    want to have a Nanny State that raises the kids.
    They want to force their ideology onto OUR children. They want to CREATE “dissfunctional”
    families so they can come take the kids when the parents
    says HELL NO to sex changes.|They’re not actually teaching kids to have anal sex it’s from
    a republican propaganda website. I legitimately looked up the
    schools website and criteria they teach for sex ed in each grade and nowhere in there
    do they say anything about teaching kids that.|Things overheard at the gym:
    “I’m good with anything – I’m easier than Algebra” and “You look like a pumpkin spice latte had sex with Tinkerbell and gave out blowjobs”.
    Gymlife|This is a lot. RT @NYDailyNews: Mom didn’t allow her 40-year-old
    son to have sex in her house.

    He then picked up her dog and launched the pooch 18 feet across the|This is
    LESBIAN sex education material put out by LGBT.

    Lesbians DON’T have a penis.

    Conversion therapy within LGBT.

    We need LGBAllianceUS …|this is my favourite tweet of all time|This is
    where the dream ended. I’m not sure what it means.

    I have not watched Seinfeld in a couple months,
    so I know there is a reason for the dream. I pray there is a reason for the Seinfeld dream.
    One of the most important dreams behind sex dream and death dream.|This was one of my first stories
    back in the early days of Tumblr and I still like
    it! We Met At a Sex Party|Time for a little nudes giveaway RT or like to enter I’ll contact you in DM hotlesbiansex lesbiansex conor mcgregor|TISM – Everyone Else
    Has Had More Sex Than Me. Flash Video Animation by Bernard Derriman. — Videos daily, PM
    to add yours. Furrymusic furry furries|to the what?|Tripathi
    penned an entry for a sex diary feature that “detailed a
    week of obsession, rough sex, and Ambien.” So this
    is the guy Nate’s goin all in withNot to mention the obvious here,
    kids in cages if they’ve had good dayp>|TRUST ME, it hurts more finding out that your partner faked their
    feelings or only wanted you for sex deep in the relationship than it does when you
    tell them at the start and be upfront|Try to
    follow along. No one called him a dictator.

    Scheer wanted to acknowledge mothers and fathers for adopting.

    I wanted to know whether that included same sex couples.

    You assume it did. I pointed out his track record opposing same sex rights.|Tue Jul 9 7:00PM
    Sex Tips For Straight Women From A Gay Man Anthony Cools Experience – Paris
    Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV …|tumblr post: hey
    please stop spreading misinfo about pride! anyone can go and anyone telling you
    its basically a public freaky sex party in front of families is probably a
    homophobic liar!
    someone else: hmmm but i heard that there was actually people fucking on parade floats so|tumblr sex positivity made a victim
    of all parties i think|U gotta be one freaky weird mafucka to post sex memes
    & shit .|ugh i hate when my siblings are dickheads to
    our parents because they do everything for them, and just get shit on, and then they
    take out all their frustrations they have towards them out on me when im just tryna chill and
    love them|uh HOLY SHIT. I just saw that ellen page Kate Mara sex scene and uh yep I’m not just gay…
    I’m SUPER GAY|Violence hurts people. There is a victim in violence.
    True same-sex love does not have a victim, does not hurt anyone,
    and does not encourage hate. Internalized homophobia,
    or hating yourself for feeling romantic love toward someone of the same sex, is a form of self
    harm.|Waa di rules to No Nut November ?

    Yuh nuh fi cum none a tall or yuh nuh fi have sex fi cum ?

    Cos mi cum couple time but a me dweet.

    Mi still inna di race ?|wait haha.. my boyfriend’s into directing
    and tv production… does this mean i can hire him to direct and film our sex tape??

    haha.|War: I really hurt my wrist the other day

    Pestilence: Was it a sex injury?

    War: Im a fierce warrior. Just because I’m seeing someone does not immediately make
    everything a sex injury.

    Pestilence: But was it?

    War: …. Yeah okay fine it was a sex injury|Watching Sex Tips for Straight Women from a Gay Man for the second
    time tonight lmao yay|We don’t have to adjudicate anything.
    Women are EQUALS to men. We have a RIGHT to orgasmic sex w/o being
    FORCED to gestate. Bc can fail, couples who never want children deserve to have intimidate sex
    w/o being FORCED to gestate. Abortion is and will always be legal.
    AND FORCED MARRIAGE OR PUPPET MARRIAGE.|Weird thing to think about,
    but I wonder if all those kids on Tumblr who were basically “cancel anything that focuses on/supports sex and porn” will become the conservative party in 15-20 years|Well sex phone operators is a real profession. So I think your just trying to sound smart or significant.
    Maybe he was giving you a great job recommendation due to
    the fact there salaries are probably really high for woman and not so for men in that industry.|Wendy: I bet you
    and Bobby have wild circus sex…
    Whitney: *sigh*… Wendy don’t make me meet you outside
    cc: @sawngbyrd28 @Says_LifeAsKing @sexxielexxie
    @Mndspeak88|What a stupid question to ask your kids, why don’t
    you ash the kids if the have sex regularly? Or is gender confusion is a physic or physiological
    disorder? I think the teachers are confused about natural sciences?

    Let them wait until they can reason better! Wow|What about Marc|What do you want to feel when you’re having sex?

    Anyone?? Give me some good answers.

    RT. for more answers. Ty.|what he wants, like listen here you little shit,
    R E S P E C T, learn it and then come talk to me ya
    lil bish|What if I take Ambien then have rough sex in my sleep?|What is your problem right now???

    A- money
    B- house
    C- car
    D- food
    E- business idea
    F- business capital
    G- boyfriend/girlfriend
    H- expensive phone
    I- husband/wife
    J- where to go flex
    K- sugerdaddy/sugerboy/sugermommy
    L- school fees
    M- school life
    N – job
    O- time
    P- sex
    Dm me|What is your problem right now???

    A- money
    B- house
    C- car
    D- food
    E- business idea
    F- business capital
    G- boyfriend/girlfriend
    H- expensive phone
    I- husband/wife
    J- where to go flex
    K- sugerdaddy/sugerboy/sugermommy
    L- school fees
    M- school life
    N – job
    O- time
    P- sex
    Q- data|What is your problem right now???

    A- money
    B- house
    C- car
    D- food
    E- business idea
    F- business capital
    G- boyfriend/girlfriend
    H- expensive phone
    I- husband/wife
    J- where to go flex
    K- sugerdaddy/sugerboy/sugermommy
    L- school fees
    M- school life
    N – job
    O- time
    P- sex
    Q- data|What is your problem right now???

    A- money
    B- house
    C- car
    D- food
    E- business idea
    F- business capital
    G- boyfriend/girlfriend
    H- expensive phone
    I- husband/wife
    J- where to go flex
    K- sugerdaddy/sugerboy/sugermommy
    L- school fees
    M- school life
    N – job
    O- time
    P- sex
    Q- data|when I see certain sex positions in videos I’m always more concerned about their well-being.
    Lol like don’t pass out but have your fun.|When my cousin and I get together we always hash
    out Sex stories lol|When people who don’t know you might think you like rough sex when in reality
    you probably were on ambien and banged yourself into something you can’t remember|When saw we thee a stranger, n took thee in?
    or naked, n clothed thee? when saw we thee sick, or in prison, n came unto thee?
    The King answer them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done
    it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.:25:
    38-40|When we storm area 51 I’m finna find a freaky girl to have
    an alien threesome

    >meme> >se> >alien> >Area51meme> >area5>|Where do I
    begin she comes off as THIRSTY I just she screams “attention to me” like girl chill she want
    that lavish single free lifestyle, I just don’t see her being
    a mom , she is always sex this ,sex that on her Instagram|Whoopi also told a 15 year old that she will have sex with
    him in 10 years
    Imagine being a 15 year old boy
    Being told by an older woman
    That she was going to have sex with you
    Whoopi is a …|why do instagram car memes always use the shittiest top text bottom text 2012 humor|Why do
    my cousin think I wanna hear his sex stories|Why the hell should
    anyone take questions from people shouting ,disruptive,
    & trying to ask baited ?s like “how does anal sex help us win” or pushing holocaust denial.
    It’s ridiculous & ultimately hurts the group. Stick to ?s about immigration,
    non-intervention, & nationalism.|Whyyyyy is tinkerbell …..wait does this count as interracial or Interbestial sex|why’s
    everyone tweeting about these sex stories with their cousins
    ????¿¿|Wonder how many books are based on a Hollywood “celebs” having consensual sex with a
    powerful man then determining it was “rape” because his
    power to get what he wants overcame her will to
    say “No” but didn’t! Which is a mirror of the real world! MGTOW MenToo Men Misandry|Would also accept: the “oh no there’s only one bed” trope, fake date,
    drunk>lov> confessions, alien>se> pollen, hurt/comfort, etc.
    Honorary mention: happened, but only in digital simulation>|Wow why does sex have to hurt for women??
    That’s not fair! Lmao damn I’m just realizing so many things|Wow.
    Sorry not the same as sex. That’s getting fingered.
    Are oral sex. Enough of your making your own definitions up.
    It’s childlike and silly. Sex is sex. The end.|Wrong. Sodom and Gomorrah where
    sodomy comes from shows that it is sexual dominance. The mob wanted to gang rape the angels.
    Gang rape is what? Sexual dominance. That’s where sodomy gets the name from.
    Modern definition of sodomy means “oral or anal sex”.|xp0vtl I have a kinky
    surprise for you) RT this and I will DM you
    سكس SEX GtV|Yea I could have sex with her.
    But I really don’t want to get married to an older woman. Yes I could teach her about stocks
    and how to invest but she can’t tell anyone…she needs to promise.|Yeah actual scene in Star Vs The Forces
    of Evil where a couples kiss has a few same sex couples around two of the mains
    kissing.|Yeah it does seem to be quite odd that a perfectly happy married couple
    just because they’re the same sex hurts their sensibilities more
    than this married man who can’t quite seem to keep his dick in his
    pants and even lusts after his own daughter.|Yeah sports players having sex
    sounds like a good one, but dantecand vergil from devil may cry are sexy and popular at the moment, also so is tom x marco from star vs the forces of evil|Year:
    Version: 0.13 Update
    Genre: all sex, 3d sex game, family, daughter, seduction, visual, big boobs
    Category: Adult Sex Games
    Platform: PC Game / Windows
    Censorship: No
    Language: English
    This Adult Game Presents: allsex bigboobs Daughte|YES! At my first full time job, my new
    boss called me and then made the comment that I had the voice of a phone sex operator.
    I responded, “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never called
    one.” His stammering and backpedaling still bring me joy over 20
    years later>|Yes, POTUS likes to use his laser pointer and pretend he likes people to draw attention to them, too.

    Like “trusting” Giuliani, who covered up child sex trafficking and satanic
    ritual abuse at West Point decades ago.|You have not
    argued policy…it’s like a jealous lover attack…Trump raped at least 18 women yet nothing, cheated on all his wives…nothing and a single young
    black woman had sex with an older black male and now it disqualifies
    her for presidency….|You men seem to think taking care of your kid, cleaning your house, cooking your meals, & having sex with you isn’t a job…
    and he won’t even buy her a phone… pleazzzze… he’s getting better end of the deal!|You told your cousin? Was she surprised/shocked by your “sex
    storie>” of you and your drawing pens?|your mcm j*rking
    off to a pic of tinker bell having sex with a roach|‘It’s not loving someone of the same sex
    that makes being gay hard, it’s homophobia, it’s not being a woman that makes life harder, it’s
    sexism and it’s not the passage of time that makes getting older
    harder, it’s ageism’ from the awesome Ashton Applewhite >thischairrock>|“Oooo we could
    film a weird sex tape!” Me upon realizing our security camera has night vision>|“The real problem with Game of Thrones is not the sex and violence, but the
    negative portrayal of religious fundamentalists.”|“When you have kids, your sex life with your partner goes through a number of radical changes throughout the years.” — >averagedonjua>|• in 8/10 cases of rape,
    the victim knew the perp
    • almost half (49.5%) of multiracial women are subjecteg>g> sexual violence at some point in their lives
    • 20-25% of women & 15% of men in college
    will ng>forcedtohaveng> during their time in college

    /p>|Si wey neta porque que miedo que tu justificacion sea “bienvenida a las
    redes sociales” porque en ningun lugar dice que facebook,>instagra> o twitter es para online>se>.
    Por gente como tu es la razon de que personas sigan pensando que tienen el derecho de hablarle a alguien asÃ>|¿Un jabalí con la grasa de color …|Punjabi maalkin ki
    Bhojpuri servant se chudne ka sex mms -|Best Couples Sex – …|Celui
    qui film c tjr la même MDR c tonton marccel des sextape|Dans ce cas casse toi d’ici
    en fait, c’est bien beau de cracher dans la soupe mais en attendant t’est bien contente qu’en France t’ai le droit de pondre des conneries sur twitter.
    Dans d’autre pays ca aurait été goulag/prison/camp de
    travail forcé. Mais bon, ptet tu prefere ca…|Gauchiasses*|H2in comment sa ?
    Il fait des film l’autre des sextape comment sa il a plus
    niquer son image|Il y’a des sextape de stars qui on déja fuité et sa les empêche
    pas de passé a la télé de faire des concert ou des film et ils ont des fan de toute age pourquoi faire les
    choqué|Les infos d’un des gars sur la vidéo, jvoudrais bien les retrouver moi même mais flemme j’habite trop loin|Les rappeur vos pote
    y son pas pro y film vos sextape et il vous affiche après|on a vu Heuss faire une sextape, maintenant Fianso tout en gardant
    ses chaussettes la prochaine qu’on verra c’est Kalash Criminel avec sa cagoule en train de defourailler une meuf avec
    encore un pote qui film à côté je pleure|Only
    , no frauds (même si le son il puait de base), High school, rich sex|Sextape c’est tous des sales en vrai, c’est son pote qui film et tout|Sextape mdr (ça encore je m’en fou
    malgré le fait qu’il soit marié) mais il sort de la meuf et
    il dit “ouais sale pute” et c’est un de ses potes qui le film?
    Chelou|Ta déja eue du sex teelllement nasty et freaky que tu peux même pas en parler avec quelqu’un?|Vous regardez
    des films de cul chq soir mais ça vous choque que Fianso il
    fait des sextape mdr analyse|Y’a quelques jours c’était Heuss lenfoiré mtn c’est fianso dans la sauce pour une histoire de
    sextape, les mecs qui film baisez leur leur mère ils méritent
    que ça|Bande de fous. Vous dites que Fianso a fait une sextape
    alors qu’il a juste tourner une scène de son film.
    …|Jom khawin?|Aneh gk kalo aku, cowok, ngerasa kayaknya lebih pengen cuddle ketimbang sex?

    Gimana ya, aku byangin kyk itu momen yg perasaan kita sama2 disitu, pelukan, sentuhan lembut satu sama
    Kyk ngerasa bener2 disayang gitu, ga sendirian

    Apa krn aku aja yg kurang kasih sayang yak?|Hi3 kalau xsalah…nk bela diri kes apa?|Idk why virginity means
    everything for our society
    Smntr laki2 bhkn gk prnh ditanya keperjakaannya

    Kl trnyt ni cwo ujng2nya minta ngewe jg, ya tai sama aja
    Dia mrh bkn krn cweny udh sex di luar nikah, dll
    Tp ya krn dia cma pengen ngerasain lubang perawan aja,
    tai lah|EROTiC CiNEMA: Sex Positions Video Tutorial (2000’s) …|href=”/hashtag/%E7%A8%BC%E3%81%8E%E6%96%B9?src=hash” data-query-source=”hashtag_click”
    class=”twitter-hashtag pretty-link js-nav” dil>稼ぎ方初心者でã‚きるパー/b>|あのさ




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    Kailangan HAHAHAHAHA WIIIIE|Masarap yan, pero problematic ang definition ng versa top dyan. You become
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  2089. L’UFCM a constaté depuis quelques mois l’accroissement des tromperies à la « roqya ». Les témoignages de personnes victimes de ces pratiques se multiplient et présentent les mêmes caractéristiques : « Une personne vous appelle et vous propose une séance de « roqya » gratuite. Cette personne vous propose de rappeler un numéro prétendu gratuit, souvent un numéro commençant par 0 800… » Mais, dans les faits, cette prestation est loin d’être gratuite, puisque la conversation est facturée à vos frais et à votre insu. Au-delà de l’aspect juridique qui est traité à ce jour par le pôle juridique de l’UFCM[1], ce procédé soulève la problématique de sa conformité au Coran et à la Sunna. En effet, la « roqya » peut se définir comme une thérapie qui permet de soigner les actes de sorcellerie, de mauvais œil et également de se protéger contre ces derniers. Par conséquent, est-il possible de la pratiquer par téléphone et quelles sont les exigences édictées par le Coran et la Sunna ? Nous présenterons ainsi successivement les conditions liées au soignant (I), les exigences relatives à l’environnement où est réalisée la « roqya » (II). Nous aborderons ensuite la question de la gratuité de la prestation ou de sa contrepartie financière et enfin les conditions dans laquelle elle est réalisée (III). I- Les conditions liées au soignant Souvent la « roqya » est perçue comme une pratique dispensée par un tiers. Or, il est essentiel de rappeler et de souligner un fait important : la meilleure des « roqya » est celle que nous dispensons nous-mêmes à travers le « dhikr » et la récitation du Coran. Ainsi, pour se prémunir des maux liés au mauvais œil ou à la sorcellerie, il convient régulièrement de lire le Coran et faire des invocations notamment celles du matin et du coucher, de réciter régulièrement la sourate « La vache », de renouveler son intention, de placer la certitude dans son cœur, d’effectuer ses prières etc., et surtout de demander à Allah la meilleure des protections. Toutefois, dans certaines conditions, il est nécessaire de recourir à un soignant. C’est à ce stade qu’il convient d’être vigilant. Il ne suffit pas de se rendre auprès d’une personne qui se présente avec la qualité de cheikh ou d’imam pour accepter de lui confier cette pratique. Comme pour tout procédé et encore plus lorsque cela relève de considérations religieuses, il est important de bien choisir son soignant car ce dernier est tenu de posséder des qualités bien affirmées. La maîtrise du Coran et des traditions prophétiques en la matière est une condition sine qua none, mais insuffisante. La personne doit également avoir des notions de psychologie afin de déterminer la part de sorcellerie et celle de troubles psychologiques fréquents chez les patients. La personne doit posséder une bonne hygiène de vie, notamment spirituelle puisqu’il n’est pas inutile de rappeler que le succès de la « roqya » dépend de Dieu. Ces critères sont difficilement évaluables, surtout par une personne qui est affectée par un mal-être, quelle que soit sa source. C’est pourquoi les proches doivent accompagner la personne dans la recherche d’un soignant qualifié et reconnu comme tel par des référents religieux de la localité (imam, responsables associatifs, etc.). De manière générale, le soignant doit posséder des qualités déterminées que nous pouvons synthétiser de la manière suivante. Il doit : être en capacité de lire le Coran, croire avec certitude au Coran, être empreint de piété, connaître les pièges et les caractéristiques du diable et des djinns, connaître la méthode prophétique de la « roqya », disposer de connaissances de base en psychologie, avoir la conviction que le succès de sa thérapie dépend de Dieu. A l’exception de la première exigence, il semble difficile de vérifier les autres conditions dans le cadre d’un entretien téléphonique avec une personne que nous n’avons jamais rencontrée, même si elle se présente sous le titre de « cheikh » ou d’un imam. Par conséquent, ces conditions soulignent une première limite quant au recours à la « roqya » par téléphone. Par ailleurs, à l’instar de tout médecin, le soignant doit, avant de prodiguer des conseils ou une médication, procéder à une consultation. Ainsi, un environnement adéquat est indispensable pour la réalisation d’une « roqya ». Il est enfin inconcevable qu’un médecin puisse vous affirmer par téléphone connaître votre maladie et attester pouvoir vous guérir. Vous auriez plus que des doutes sur ce prétendu médecin. II- Un environnement propice et la réalisation d’une consultation préalable à la réalisation d’une « roqya » Il est intéressant de noter que, dans son ouvrage « Comment se protéger des djinns & satan », Wahîd ‘Abdussalâm Bâli évoque l’importance du climat pour réaliser une roqya[2]. Ainsi, il expose les points suivants : « 1. Préparer le climat adéquat en faisant par exemple sortir les images et les statues de la pièce où on va soigner le malade, pour permettre aux anges d’y entrer. 2. Débarrasser le sujet de tout ce qu’il peut porter sur lui comme talismans ou amulettes et les brûler. 3. Éteindre tout ce qui peut émettre le son de la musique et des chants. 4. Vider le lieu de tout ce qui comporte une infraction à la shari‘a à savoir, par exemple, la présence d’un homme qui porte de l’or ou une femme qui ne porte pas le voile légal – al-hijab. 5. Donner au malade et à sa famille une leçon de dogme de façon à ce que leurs cœurs ne soient pas attachés à un autre qu’Allah. 6. Leur faire savoir que la façon de soigner est différente de celle des sorciers et des charlatans et que le Coran recèle guérison et miséricorde, comme l’a informé Allah le Puissant et le Majestueux. 7. Diagnostiquer son cas : pour cela poser des questions au malade pour s’assurer de la présence de tous les symptômes (…) ». Or, dans les témoignages communiqués, l’interlocuteur qui se présente comme soignant ne pose aucune question aux personnes. Il débute ainsi la « roqya » directement par une récitation du Coran. En outre, il est intéressant de souligner que dans l’un des témoignages communiqués à l’UFCM, l’interlocuteur demandait à la personne de remplir successivement des verres de lait, d’huile, d’eau etc. et de les poser par la suite sur la table de la salle à manger. Au point que la personne s’est retrouvée avec une multitude de verres posés sur la table. Le comble est que la personne ignorait ce qu’elle devait en faire lorsqu’elle a pris conscience de la tromperie. Nous constatons par conséquent qu’une « roqya » ne peut être réalisée dans un environnement quelconque. En effet, une procédure de diagnostic est essentielle. Nous pouvons à titre d’exemple faire le parallèle avec un rendez-vous chez le médecin ; ce dernier ne peut vous prescrire une ordonnance sans au préalable vous avoir ausculté et interrogé sur les différents symptômes que vous ressentez physiquement. A défaut, au lieu de guérir vous allez aggraver vos maux. Cette attitude vigilante du médecin traitant doit se retrouver lorsque nous envisageons le recours à une « roqya ». Pour illustrer ce propos, nous citerons l’exemple de l’anthropologue, spécialiste de l’islam européen, Farid El Asri, chercheur associé au Centre Jacques Berque, qui nous rapporte une situation alarmante suite à une « roqya » : « Une jeune femme en Belgique (…) est morte suite à une tentative d’exorcisme. Pendant les séances, les fkihs (imams) utilisent normalement de l’eau « coranisée ». Pour cette jeune femme, prétendument stérile, les exorcistes ont carrément plongé son visage dans l’eau et quand elle tentait d’en sortir pour respirer, les guérisseurs estimaient qu’il s’agissait du jinn qui l’habitait et ils replongeaient son visage dans l’eau. Pendant le procès, la famille de la défunte s’est présentée comme musulmane et a accusé ces pratiques d’être extérieures à l’islam quand les guérisseurs estimaient qu’ils avaient simplement fait ce qu’ils pouvaient. Le fait de recourir trop systématiquement au fkih risque également de faire passer une crise d’épilepsie, par exemple, pour une crise de possession. »[3] Nous allons aborder enfin la dernière problématique, celle relative aux honoraires du soignant. III- Les honoraires du soignant Le Prophète, bénédictions et salut sur lui, « a agréé les Compagnons qui ont été payés pour la roqya ». Il est dès lors autorisé de rémunérer un soignant en contrepartie d’une prestation. Toutefois, cette rémunération doit être raisonnable et surtout clairement définie avant le traitement. En outre, nous ne pouvons que souligner et rappeler que, si la roqya est réalisée dans un cadre sérieux, il convient de procéder à toutes les déclarations administratives. Comme pour tout contrat, vous devez exiger un document écrit et le praticien doit préciser quels sont ses engagements exacts afin d’éviter tout litige postérieur. Malheureusement, tous les témoignages transmis à l’UFCM soulignent que l’interlocuteur insiste à plusieurs reprises sur la gratuité de la prestation. Or, dans les faits, cette dernière est payante puisque le coût de la communication est surtaxé. Ainsi, l’une des victimes qui nous a contacté, s’est retrouvée avec une facture téléphonique (hors forfait) de 1800 euros. Par conséquent, nous constatons que ces « roqyas » gratuites sont fondées sur la technique dite du « call-back » qui consiste à amener une personne à rappeler un numéro surtaxé, information qui lui est bien évidemment dissimulée. Une « roqya » peut être payante à condition de respecter un cadre prédéterminé, fondé sur l’information et la transparence des honoraires. En conclusion A la lumière des développements susvisés, l’UFCM appelle d’une part à une régulation du métier de la pratique de la « roqya », d’autre part, à la vigilance de chacun à ne pas céder à la tentation d’une « roqya » qui ne serait pas réalisée dans les conditions requises et qui pourrait produire des effets inverses. Au-delà du cadre spirituel ou juridique, les divers témoignages reçus et étudiés par l’UFCM ne peuvent pas nous laisser indifférents à la question suivante : pourquoi des personnes sont-elles amenées à accepter aussi facilement une « roqya » par téléphone ? Est-ce la gratuité qui a déterminé leur choix ? Certes le mal-être produit par cette société est de plus en plus grand. Nous vivons une époque où les êtres sont de plus en plus coupés des signes de Dieu et vivent un rythme de vie effréné. Ces affaires sont révélatrices des maux les plus profonds qui touchent la communauté musulmane. Par ailleurs, comme l’ensemble des rites islamiques (hajj, halal, pompes funèbres) censés nous rappeler les limites qui déterminent la voie vers Dieu, nous constatons que leur marchandisation trahit de plus en plus leur vocation première. Suffit-il qu’un interlocuteur se présente à nous comme un « cheikh » ou un imam et qu’il nous propose une « roqya » gratuite pour l’accepter aussitôt Ne devrions-nous pas tous nous interroger sur le fait qu’il y ait des musulmanes et des musulmans aussi isolés et aussi ignorants de leur propre religion pour être trompés aussi facilement ? Sommes-nous devenus si dépendants des Hommes que nous en oublions de nous adresser directement à Dieu pour solutionner nos malaises ? Autant de questions que chacun d’entre nous a la responsabilité de se poser. En effet, aucun de nous ou de nos proches ne sont à l’abri d’une telle tromperie. Il convient enfin de rappeler que la « roqya » est un remède précis et qu’elle ne peut se faire que sous certaines conditions et surtout qu’elle demeure l’exception à la règle, qui est de toujours s’adresser directement à Dieu. Avant de recourir à une « roqya », il convient de faire une introspection sur ses propres pratiques cultuelles et de revenir.

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    selfishness, children govern themselves. …|I hate, hate, HATE people who do this.

    YOU!!!! Shit makes me wanna go up to these people and be like “So, would you treat a human child like that too?” Fucking disgusting.
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    as usual and use urban dictionairy. The most headass people|I draw but I won’t link it without explicit permission cuz it’s largely furry porn|I hate the
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    I use ladyxena, tryst, banner exchanges, my own website on google.|I hope this new generation of Disney girls realizes they don’t
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    I don’t know if I’m more upset or disappointed. I mean shit, one of my best friends is a trans cam girl.

    She’s also one of my best customers. Always has issues with her computer.|I missed that I guess.
    I saw the fat black chick with shit all over her ass and in her panties.
    And the comments about how hot that was. That was
    the worst thing I’ve seen on here. I didnt unfollow tho.

    I saw 2 girls 1 cup when the internet barely worked|I
    swear you make a Twitter and follow 1 18+ page and it’s nothing but porrn on your time line…
    I swear I only followed for moods.|I tell you bro. Even porn sites warn you if they contain gay porn. Now i’m thinking I’ll
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    They don’t even have to tell us they gay, it’s none of our business|I
    think Streamate is by far one of the best earning platforms, low percentage or not.
    I just wished it was split more fairly but not my site so they can do what they want
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    Watch me tease my clit and play with my tiddies to
    your dick pic|I was having sex once and the girl said “Cum for me” and I thought she said “comfort me” so I stopped and I hugged
    her|I was trying to watch porn but my parents interrupted me and all I’m hearing is complaining that’> I’m probably hangover again bye can watch my>por> in peace pleas>|I whisper in my
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    cum, I can usually do it myself or my partner can give me a hand job or boob job.
    I just enjoy people getting off.|Idk why people get upset when Miley ac like a
    slut and dress naked that’s the best things
    about Disney girls they freakiness comes out tee|im feeling so horny today ugh i’ve been rubbing my clits since
    morning…. DM me if you got a nice cock for me..
    i can rate your nudes and dick if you want to|Im now following the very
    sexy @Plumplips44 and this raises a question –
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    Sexy or no sexy?|IM SO LONELY timbs Soulja boy ;)|imagine, to this day not one of these
    “camera men “ can put up a>liv>>strea> of black heart smh…all them@man want to do is take pics of>naked girl> for free …i’m sure the black heart owner would
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    naked girls on insta liking all the photos x|It’s not. They used to have a
    lot of good non-political, non-religious talk shows,
    but they’re all gone now. Can get the same programs free online with podcasts, streaming &
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    All girls and guys cum on please! I’m so horny|I’m So Hot My Chick So Bad..I Last 2 Mintues
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    All Goals Have Been>Co>|Just heard some toy make a
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    she’s not being herself she want find herself like WTF!|lmfao
    bro dont even remind me I need to change my avi to
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    One & Turn N2 My Sex Slave>To> Or Sum..|My new year’> resolution is no more>por>, that shit will ruin your life, it’ starting to feel like that’ their goal, to ruin my life, so fuck them, no mong>png>.|my simself
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    that was supposed to be my safe space away from the porn|None of it authored
    by Freedumb Boy though.|of course you did. It’s full of mostly naked ex Disney girls.

    I understand. I bonered too over Gomez.|Oh no, Twitter
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    “What are your qualifications for this job?”
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    you my friend. It’> for… scientific reason>|That’s because
    she was trash at porn like she looks so awkward and idk why she blew up frrr|That’s my boy!!!|the anonymous brookeporkies account,
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    pornmd pornhib pornhup|There is quite a difference between someone who is attractive but streaming because they love it and some
    scantily clad stripper jumping up and down on cam for money lmao its
    a minority that should be moved to a CamGirl site rather than a site who promotes to children.|These Disney girls
    Demi, Selena and Miley have been my idols since forever
    and now they all got up and get naked.|They kinda of imply that porn watchers are stupid here…
    why would they think because you watch porrn you would know there’s a plastic problem|They probably
    think your a cam girl, and hope to make some money off your body.
    so they follow you, and monitor your posts to see how you feel about
    the idea of being filmed naked. when they think you’d be ok with it they will swoop in and dm you hoping to have you sign up.|they removing porn frrr ?
    lmao|This is just dump..
    you can blame one person for other people’s actions…

    It’s their problem if they wanna be useless not his…
    And it’s Instagram for God sake… Naked girls twerk videos are
    everywhere. He’s just having his own good time|This morning was awesome on cam!
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    And they weren’t all subs but they were respectful boys that aimed to please me and smart enough to carry a conversation and that’s super dope!|This SEXY LADY was spotted in a club almost NAKED – See how she exposed
    her bare BOOBS and…|This SEXY LADY was spotted in a club almost NAKED – See how she exposed her bare BOOBS and…|Tried the Popeyes spicy chicken sandwhiches
    and it’s some hot ass. No way it touches chick fil a let
    alone someone getting shot over|Type in your screen name, we can do it all day–

    Cam Boy by @moodkillermusic has been stuck in my head all week to the point where I had no choice but to
    make this painting! It further explores the topics of sex-appeal, temptation and queer sexuality
    in the online space|um disagree on this one. lady gaga rihanna etc was
    doing rauchy shit in the early 2010s too. sure she took it to another level by swinging naked on the wrecking ball but saying she was
    the door opener for that is kind of a reach (for disney girls maybe)
    but overall its been done.|Using the internet on my brothers iPad and the first thing that pops up is an image search of “Disney girls naked boobs”|Valentin: Don’t
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    When I was 15 I had friends showing me some pretty extreme fetisch porn because they had found new and ” exciting ”
    Someone also had hentai on their phone and were made to show it to everyone.

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    es, dass Ihre Fenster wirklich professionell montiert sind.
    Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Fenster selber einbauen und welche Schritte hierfür notwendig
    sind. Und das Beste daran: Sie verzichten so auf einen teuren Handwerker.

    Bevor Sie hiermit Einbau Ihrer neuen Fenster beginnen können, müssen Sie
    die Abmessungen der Fensteröffnungen genau kennen. Greifen Sie zu dem Zollstock und messen Sie genau aus, wie
    breit die Öffnung in der Mauer ist und welche Höhe diese aufweist.
    Um nun das Fenstermaß zu erhalten, müssen Sie etwa vier Zentimeter von den erhaltenen Werten abziehen. Bereit sein Drehflügel-Fenster, Fenster mit Kippflügeln und Schwingflügelfenster sowie
    einige weitere Varianten. Gerade die modernen Kunststofffenster stellen eine sinnvolle Investition dar, aufgrund
    der einfachen Pflege und dem unkomplizierten Einbau.
    Vorsichtig sein müssen Sie allerdings bei Altbauten, da der Austausch alter Holzfenster
    gegen neue Kunststofffenster ein Eingriff in die Gebäudesubstanz sein kann.
    Montieren Sie in diesem Schritt den Griff an das Fenster.
    Richten Sie sich hierbei nach der mitgelieferten Anleitung des
    Fensters und verwenden Sie die Schrauben aus der Verpackung.
    Der Griff wird in der Regel mit zwei Schrauben am Fensterrahmen befestigt.
    Ziehen Sie die Schrauben möglichst fest, damit der Griff sich
    nicht so schnell lockert. Bei häufiger Verwendung kann es in der Zukunft dennoch gelegentlich notwendig werden, dass die Schrauben nachgezogen werden müssen. Überprüfen Sie
    also nach der Montage verschiedentlich, ob der Griff immer noch schön festsitzt.
    Undichte Fenster stellen ein großes Problem dar, weil hiermit ein Energieverlust einhergeht und
    die Heizkosten unnötig steigen. Um wertvolle Energie zu
    sparen, dichten Sie den Fensterrahmen am seitlichen Umlauf mit selbstklebenden Schaumstoffbändern oder Gummidichtungen ab, die normal im Lieferumfang enthalten sind.
    Sind die Dichtungen für den Fensterrahmen nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten, erhalten Sie diese in unterschiedlichen Stärken. Für die Ermittlung der passenden Stärke verwenden Sie ein Stück Knetmasse und
    drücken diese in den Fensterrahmen. Schließen Sie nun das Fenster und drücken Sie dabei die Knetmasse zusammen. Wenn Sie das Fenster wieder öffnen,
    können Sie am Abdruck auf der Knetmasse ablesen, welche Stärke das Schaumstoffband haben muss.
    Stellen Sie nun das Fenster in die Öffnung und führen Sie die Ausrichtung durch.
    Nehmen Sie hierfür zwei Holzkeile zur Hand, auf die Sie das Fenster provisorisch stellen können. Für die Ausrichtung
    des Fensters ist eine Wasserwaage sicherlich von großer Hilfe.
    Verwenden Sie weitere Holzkeile, ums Fenster
    in seiner Position zu fixieren. Achten Sie umso mehr auf einen gleichmäßigen Abstand des Fensters
    zu den beiden Seiten hin. Wenn Sie der Ausrichtung zufrieden sind, sollten Sie das Fenster probeweise öffnen und schließen. Sitzt das Fenster wirklich gerade in der Öffnung und lässt sich der Flügel leichtgängig öffnen und schließen, können Sie hiermit nächsten Schritt fortfahren. Sie
    können den Flügel nun aushängen, da er bei den nächsten Arbeitsschritten stören würde.
    Gehen Sie hierbei vorsichtig vor und stellen Sie den Flügel achtsam auf dem
    Boden ab. Bitten Sie gegebenenfalls eine weitere Person dabei, Ihnen bei dieser Arbeit zu helfen.
    Je größer das Fenster ist, desto praktischer ist bei diesem Schritt eine Erleichterung.
    Überprüfen Sie zweimal dahaben, ob das Fenster wirklich fest verkeilt ist.
    Dann gehts mit dem Andübeln der Laschen weiter. Nehmen Sie nun einen Akkuschrauber bereit und schrauben Sie die Befestigungslaschen für das Fenster in die
    Wand. Jetzt kommt es von Haus aus sinnvoll, wenn Sie die Laschen auf den fuß der noch festsitzenden Holzkeile
    anbringen sowie mittig der Seiten. Sinnvoll sind unter anderem
    drei Laschen links und drei Laschen rechts an der Wand. Die Keile unten können Sie
    aber nach wie vor nicht entfernen, zuerst muss das Fenster nämlich ausgeschäumt werden. Nun geht’s ans Aufschäumen. Verwenden Sie hierfür einen 2-Komponentenschaum und schäumen Sie die Fugen zwischen den Keilen großzügig aus.

    Kommt es zu Verunreinigungen am Rahmen, säubern Sie diesen es empfiehlt sich direkt.
    Warten Sie bis der Montageschaum vollständig ausgehärtet ist, ehe Sie die Keile entfernen. Ergeben sich nach dem Abdichten noch kleinere
    Lücken zwischen dem Mauerwerk und dem Fenster (außen und innen),
    dichten Sie hier zusätzlich mit einer Siliconspritzeab und ziehen Sie die Fugen abschließend mit Fugenglätter oder Spülmittel glatt.
    Mit dieser praktischen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung werden Sie in Rekordzeit Ihre neuen Fenster einbauen.

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