أخبار عاجلة
الرئيسية / آخر الأخبار / الجيش الوطني يقود حملة تنظيف في بعض مقاطعات نواكشوط

الجيش الوطني يقود حملة تنظيف في بعض مقاطعات نواكشوط


 أشرف وزير الدفاع الوطني السيد جالو مامادو باتيا صباح اليوم السبت في مقاطعة عرفات بولاية نواكشوط الجنوبية على انطلاق حملة منظمة من طرف القطاع لتنظيف الشوارع والساحات العمومية في عموم المقاطعة من القمامة والأوساخ المنزلية.

ويشارك في هذه الحملة التى تدوم يومين 1200 عنصرا من الجيش(البري، البحري والجوي )والدرك الوطني بالإضافة إلى عدد من منظمات المجتمع المدني والفاعلين في مقاطعة عرفات وعشرات الشاحنات والجرافات العسكرية والمدنية.

وأكد وزير الدفاع الوطني في تصريح للوكالة الموريتانية للأنباء أن السلطات العمومية ممثلة في وزارة الدفاع الوطني دأبت منذ عدة سنوات على تنظيم مثل هذه الحملة تحسبا لموسم الأمطار الذى يتطلب اتخاذ جملة من الاجراءات الوقائية حفاظا على صحة المواطنين من ناحية ونظافة العاصمة من جهة ثانية.

واضاف أن الجيش والدرك الوطنيين بالاضافة إلى مهامهما التقليدية في الدفاع عن الحوزة الترابية أصبح لهما دور فعال في التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المشروطة بتوفر صحة جيدة مرهونة هي الأخرى بتوفر نظافة دائمة.

وقال الوزير مخاطبا سكان مقاطعة عرفات المستفيدين من هذه الحملة :”إن هذا العمل موجه لحمايتكم من الأمراض من خلال تنظيف الشوارع والساحات العمومية وبالتالي لابد من مساهمة كل واحد منكم في نظافة بيته وحيه ومقاطعته وبالتالي وطنه من أجل ان يعيش الجميع في صحة وعافية”.

وعاين الوزير رفقة عدد من القادة العسكريين مختلف ورشات الحملة المنتشرة على طول الحيز الجغرافي لمقاطعة عرفات.

وحضر انطلاقة الحملة اللواء محمد الشيخ ولد محمد الأمين، قائد أركان الجيش البري،اللواء البحري إسلكو ولد الشيخ الولي ،قائد أركان الجيش البحري ،اللواء محمد ولد لحريطاني ،قائد أركان الجيش الجوي واللواء حننه ولد هنون ولد سيدى الأمين العام لوزارة الدفاع الوطني، العقيد أبوه ولد أسويدي، قائد الناحية الجنوبية للدرك الوطني وحاكم مقاطعة عرفات السيد خطاري سيدى محمد ولد الخرشي وعدد من الضباط وضباط الصف بقيادتي الجيش والدرك الوطنيين.

561 تعليق

  1. Hello Vicky, Ross – we just saw the Observer piece and saw the terrible news about Louise. What an awful, tragic thing to happen. We feel for you all at such a sad time and remember Louise as a bright, vibrant neubghoir in Belsize Park and so full of life. We hope that all your work on the site and drug awareness will help you through this. We are thinking of you. With love from Dominic and Faith.

  2. Wowzer Mandy this card is a heart full of love, I love how you have that tree behind Tilda is really is great, the bling is super, this is one awesome card.hugsLorraine x

  3. Stay with this guys, you’re helping a lot of people.

  4. What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!

  5. Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.

  6. It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.

  7. Your answer was just what I needed. It’s made my day!

  8. That insight’s perfect for what I need. Thanks!

  9. At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all

  10. I will be putting this dazzling insight to good use in no time.

  11. That’s going to make things a lot easier from here on out.

  12. I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

  13. I hate my life but at least this makes it bearable.

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  15. Ok, allora se dovessi codare un Flash Player farei due cose:1. mi documenterei sui documenti ufficiali;2. direi invece a tutti di costruire il Player mediante reverse engineering.

  16. I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!

  17. >Oh Lelia,I’m sorry about Gary. I know I’m convicted for sure. How many opportunities I’ve missed, God only knows.Please pray for me. Since I’ve moved I’ve met a woman from India, a few doors down.I’m befriending her now, and believing God I’ll have the opportunity to lead her to Christ. I hope in time…Thanks for being real and reminding us all to be bolder about our love for Jesus!!PS Please send me your address, yes AGAIN. I have something for you!Blessings♥

  18. I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.

  19. Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend figuring this one out!

  20. Wow! Great to find a post knocking my socks off!

  21. Fuck you, you hopelessly addled oxygen thief. I have zero obligation to be courteous to a mindlessly prattling psychopath who adds nothing but rude, randomly generated nonsensical noise to any of these discussions.You’re not even bright enough to know what Fluke demanded, let alone how much birth control actually costs a year.Do the entirely of mankind a favor and stick your empty head in the oven, butt stain.

  22. Die Vignettierung und Unschärfe hat ja nichts mit den Top-Modellen zu tun, sondern mit den Objektiven.Und das bessere Rauschverhalten ist für mich schon ein entscheidendes Kaufargument. Ich glaube nicht, dass das bei kleineren Sensoren in nächster Zeit ähnlich gut hinzukriegen ist.

  23. On Git and GitHub… …Torvalds Git was not one of a new genre — there were previous F/OSS source control applications (most notably subversion). Yes, Git (at least in the appraisal of most, some still to cling to alternative SCM tools), was an improvement in many ways.And GitHub, as praiseworthy as it is, just took the reins from older, more rugged collaborative sites like SourceForge and Google Code.

  24. I really needed to find this info, thank God!

  25. Damn! What’s that old saying, “It’s better to burn out than to fade away!” Your living the life. Going down with a gorgeous blond. My only reccommendation is to keep your options open: some of the brunettes in the U.S. are stunners to look at!Peace

  26. Ragazzi, è un po’ fuori luogo insistere sul presunto “servizio pubblico” con questi personaggi.Ricordate che sono gli stessi che ci propinano “L’Italia sul due” e che si passano il tempo a distribuire migliaia di euro ai soliti “ospiti” nelle varie trasmissioni del cavolo.Francesco

  27. A friend of mine pass out in secondary school in 1995 and undergo secretary training course where he obtain certificate in sec.he went to cooperative colledge and obtain there certificate.Also he obtained Diploma in computer study in computer at olabisi onabanjo university ago iwoye.He is also at 400 level in one of most prestigious university he is study economics.my friend is very honest and obedient.Advice us on the available job for him to do

  28. Harper and McGuinty two dictators cut from the same clothe, two asinine individuals who held and hold the peoples of Canada and NOW the peoples of Ontario in a strangle hold of RANSOM and, PEOPLE the Governor Generals in both instances let it happen.So much for our system of governance when this can happen, for anything can happen, in fact they just might be re-elected if our corporate media still follows the same agenda or their OWNERS.

  29. great shot! I love that your daughter took it too!I wasn’t going to post anything this week but a comment and then I saw that your theme is actually what my picture was of – family fun and togetherness. My photo’s color is bad and neither of us look very good but I love it just b/c it is P & I having fun!

  30. I love reading these articles because they’re short but informative.

  31. Yes, we would love guests writers to post their valuable content / posts on our blog. Please make an account and start posting. welcome aboard. Thanks.

  32. Haha. I woke up down today. You’ve cheered me up!

  33. Oh Mandy, another beautiful card, really love the colours you've chosen and the shape of the card. like the new magnolia doo hickey doiley really pretty.so excited to have won your gorgeous mini candy thanks so muchsending big hugs Troy xxx

  34. Prashant, I am the anonymous blogger at "1:23 AM", "9:39 PM", and "7:42 PM." But I am certainly not the one at "11:35 AM." You can tell that from the tone and style of writing. Even where I disagreed, I addressed you properly at all times. My disagreement was regarding the science requirement for the exam-not about the other issues.I had ended my comment with the endnote (7:42). I generally sign my name as "anonymouse" but I simply forgot to add it to my previous comments. Regards,Anonymouse

  35. Always the best content from these prodigious writers.

  36. That’s the best answer by far! Thanks for contributing.

  37. I suppose we should be happy they're not calling him an Explosive-AmericanChristian Identity groups and the far right, often sympathize with Islamic terrorists because they share a common reading of an evil powerful US government, Jewish conspiracies and even the Masonic stuff

  38. Stands back from the keyboard in amazement! Thanks!

  39. That’s an ingenious way of thinking about it.

  40. This article achieved exactly what I wanted it to achieve.

  41. ? But thanks for the reminder to get this film out and look at it once again. They were the perfect couple and Hitchcock knew it.Great post as always. You have me hooked on your film reviews!

  42. problème : éty > ce qui est lancé en avant ou projeté; obstacle, promontoire.Si on considère le mot ds cette acception, on comprend mieux le désarroi de Tchekhov. La création artistique passe nécessairement par le mouvement. En soi ou hors de soi. Mais le mouvement. Ascensionnel de surcroît.Et la vue n’est que plus belle du haut de la montagne qui (Sartre l’a dit mieux que moi), du coup, ne représente plus un obstacle mais un allié …

  43. comentou em 28 de janeiro de 2010 às 13:42. Ele é corte reto, mas tem um leve desfiado só na frente para dar volume quando faço babyliss.BJsss!!!!

  44. este prima serie pe care mi-am luat-o cu vampiri si prima citita:D…si vai cat mai urasc sfarsiturile fiecarei cartti din serie..te pune mereu pe jar:))..ma bucur ca am decis sa-mi iau prima carte:)

  45. I love running along the Charles River in Boston; it’s a personal favorite because of all the miles I put in there while training for my first marathon. Other perhaps, under appreciated favorite routes in Boston include the Minute Man Bike Path (run through a whole handf full of towns, get your 20 miles in and rarely have to stop at a stoplight? genius!), as well as Fresh Pond in Cambridge and Jamaica Pond in Jamaica Plain. There’s something about running near a body of water that makes me happy.

  46. At last! Something clear I can understand. Thanks!

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  145. wow your trip is amazing and that was 43 years ago that you achieved this. Strange my journey is very different. I am climbing hills not mountains and methaforically I started to climb real mountains so late in life. I come here for inspiration but sometimes it is too mindboggling. Your photos are awesome

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  151. Well Ken, I hope the “pregnant” pause between the date this was posted and now, is you rappelling down the face of cliff on your way to your “woodshop” to put the finishing touches on a walnut trestle table and matching benches.

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  452. Djinn Amoureux, explication, symptomes et Traitements chez les musulmanesLe djinn amoureux est un démon qui vit et se cache dans le corps de sa victime et la prend comme son hôte.Ce type de djinn est amoureux de sa victime (un amour maladif très possessif) et il essaie par toutes ses forces de la posséder et de contrôler sa vie. Il se raccorde au cœur pour avoir une emprise sensationnelle. Ce démon diffuse la tristesse, la colère et plusieurs sensations négatives pour affaiblir le cœur de sa victime.Ses blocages et étouffements c’est le djin en toi qui les provoquent, pour ne pas lui donner l’occasion de faire ce qu’il veut sans entré dans les détails, évite de dormir sur le dos ou sur le ventreCe type de djinn se trouve aussi bien chez les hommes que chez les femmes, qu’ils soient célibataires ou déjà mariés. Cela dit, on le rencontre cependant plus souvent chez les femmes.I/ Parmi les symptômes :La personne atteinte peut avoir ce type de symptômes :- Ne veut jamais se marier ou change de sujets-Haine inexpliquée de l’autre sexe (masculin ou féminin)-Aime la solitude-Se regarde dans le miroir- Reste longtemps dans les toilettes, la salle de bain…- Se maquille la nuit avant de dormir des fois (les femmes)- S’énerve très rapidement et changement radical de comportement d’un extrême à l’autre.- Crise et perte de conscience si le malade se retrouve avec beaucoup de monde (par exemple dans un mariage, ou au marché…)- Refus total du mariage sans raison valable.- Rêves érotiques et rêves de mariage dans une église ou ailleurs.- Haine des bonnes odeurs et répulsion pour le Musk.- Incapacité à faire correctement les adorations comme le dikr, la prière…- Avoir des bleus sur le corps.- être paralysé dans le sommeil très fréquemment- dégoût et envie de vomir, oppression sur la poitrine surtout quand lemalade voit son conjoint, il (le malade) préfère qu’il (son conjoint) soit loin de lui.II/ Les raisons principales qui causent cette maladie :- Le mauvais oeil, surtout chez les personnes qui attirent les regards des autres par leur physique.- Un sihr de divorce (pratiquement dans tous les sihrs de divorce on trouve un djinn amoureux)- Le manque de pratique dans la religion- le Sihr tassfih (sort de virginité), pour empêcher les jeunes filles d’avoir des relations sexuelles avant le mariage- Un toucher par un djinn depuis très longtemps.- lire des histoires d’amour et voir des films érotiques.- Le manque de guidée vers le droit chemin et d’adorations.- La présence d’autres personnes malades dans la famille, comme les parents ou autre, sous un même toit- La femme qui ne porte pas Al-hijab Charii (le voile légal) qui est une protection importante chez les femmes.III/ Traitements de cette maladie :L’auteur de laqt al Morjan a dit : la raison pour laquelle le djinn amoureux possède le corps et les rapports intimes. C’est pour cela que le malade doit empêcher le djinn à tout prix d’avoir des relations intimes et ne pas le laisser profiter de lui.Pour cela,- il ne faut pas dormir sans habits ou avec des habits transparents- quand on change ses habits, il faut dire bissmilah Alladi la ilaha illa howa ( Au nom d’ ALLAH, il n’y a d’autre divinité que LUI) avec l’intention de se protéger des yeux des djinns- bien faire les adhkars (invocations de protection) du matin et soir.- Éviter les péchés et faire des bonnes actions- Éviter de dormir seul et demander régulièrement à Allah qu’Il nous préserve du mal de ce djinn.

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